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Como criar aplicações/soluções utilizando Open XML

Acabamos de terminar a apresentação feita no  Techdays, sobre o tema "Como criar aplicações/soluções utilizando o Open XML". Foi uma apresentação que contou com a presença de mais de 140 pessoas o que demonstra o interesse dos programadores e responsáveis de informática pelo tema.  Esta apresentação foi feita pela Susana Guedes, (equipa de especialistas de tecnologia da Microsoft) e pelo Bernardo Antunes da Devscope.

A Susana fez uma demonstração de como é que um paciente pode consultar e actualizar o seu historial médico e de como os seus dados podem ser utilizados em diferentes Clínicas de Saúde. Tudo com formulários baseados em Open XML. O Bernardo Antunes demonstrou um produto muito interessante chamado de SmartPaste  (utiliza o Open XML na criação de templates e actualização automática de informação dos mesmos) e um cenário de workflow com o reaproveitamento da estrutura do formato Open XML.  

Os slides da sessão estão aqui:

A sessão terminou com uma série de questões muito interessantes sobre o tema. Parabéns à Susana e ao Bernardo.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Caro Vasco e Alexandre, Obrigado pelo vosso contributo! Conseguiram partilhar um conjunto de informação muito interessante durante esta semana que estive fora. Chamou-me particularmente à atenção a referência ao blog do Brian do Jones e da contribuição não só da delegação que Portugal enviou à BRM, mas também da própria Comissão Técnica. Muito positivo!

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Já agora e ainda relativamente ao evento do Techdays, acabei de receber a classificação do mesmo e só mostra que de facto a apresentação e o tema agradou aos que nela participaram. Numa escala e 1 a 9, a sessão obteve 7,2 o que é muito bom para o nível de exigência do auditório.

  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2008
    Compliant with the final ISO/IEC spec? Yes, from version 1.0 Interessante o seguinte link com o Roadmap do SDK do OpenXML em que indica para Abril compatibilidade com 100% com as alterações feitas na BRM ao DIS 29500 OpenXML. In addition to the developers using the SDK, I've had the pleasure of talking to a few writers and reporters about the SDK this week. I noticed a few of them have posted articles already, so here are a few to check out for additional perspective on the announcement: BetaNews: A new SDK for OOXML aims to mobilize developers by Scott Fulton ComputerWorld: Microsoft releasing OOXML SDK by Eric Lai Redmond Developer News: Microsoft reveals OOXML SDK roadmap by Michael Desmond ZDNet: A Slim API for OOXML by John Carrol Compliant with the final ISO/IEC spec? Yes, from version 1.0 There's one final detail about the SDK I'd like to clarify, which relates to Gareth Horton's point above about the spec changes accepted at the BRM. When I talked to reporters earlier in the week I wasn't certain about whether we'd have all the final ISO changes in version 1.0 of the SDK, and I was careful to not represent that we would. Well, I seem to have underestimated our dev team: I've now verified that version 1.0 will definitely be 100% compliant with the final ISO/IEC 29500 spec, including the changes accepted at the BRM. So starting in April you'll be able to build applications that are compliant with the final spec, and in May when we release version 1.0 you'll be able to go live and ship products built on the API. Time to get coding!

  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2008
    Para além do plug-in de ODF para Office 2007 que pode ser feito o download aqui: a Novell lançou este mês de Março o suporte de OpenXML para OpenOffice o download está aqui: Mais info sobre isto: The Open XML/ODF translator for word processing documents for the Novell edition of was made available for download late last week. The first deliverable resulting from the technical collaboration between Microsoft and Novell, the translator provides support for opening and saving Microsoft Open XML-formatted word processing documents (.docx) in ODF is the OpenDocument format, which is supported by, and Open XML is the default file format for Microsoft Office 2007. With the translator, end users will be able to more easily share files between Microsoft Office and, as documents better maintain consistent formats, formulas and style templates across the two office productivity suites. Novell is cooperating with Microsoft and others on an open source project to create the bi-directional translator for documents, spreadsheets and presentations. We’re still hard at it on the translator project, working to extend the interoperability to spreadsheets and presentations. Novell Edition ensures compatibility between the Open Document Format (ODF) and Open XML, Microsoft new document format for Office 2007. Transparent document sharing makes the best choice for customers who are deploying Linux desktops in a mixed Linux/Windows environment.

  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 19, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 19, 2008
    um site interessante para OpenXML developers: The Open XML Formats Developer Group is being formed as a community for developers to exchange information with each other regarding the usage of the Ecma-developed Office Open XML file formats. The community will serve as a technical resource for Open XML developers to submit and answer technical questions and to share tools and ideas around Open XML Formats-based solutions. The Open XML Formats Developer Group is open to anyone free of charge to enable broad participation and development of solutions using the Open XML Formats on any platform. The Open XML Formats Developer Group will support the wide adoption of the specifications being created by Ecma Technical Committee 45.  More information is available at

  • Anonymous
    March 21, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 21, 2008
    Apache - Java API for Open XML Apache POI support for Office Open XML is currently being developed. Release is expected during the second quarter of 2008.

  • Anonymous
    March 21, 2008
    Open XML SDK demo and road map um video sobre o SDK muito interessante.

  • Anonymous
    March 21, 2008
    Abrir documento Open XML (DOCX) utilizando Browser com Silverlight