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Office, SharePoint, and Exchange Server Protocol Documentation Updates — November, 2016

Office, SharePoint, and Exchange Server Protocol Documentation Updates — November, 2016

During August, September, October, and November we released the following Open Specifications documents to fix bugs and make a variety of other updates. In addition, we released accessibility improvements for the Office, SharePoint, and Exchange Server Open Specifications document sets. As always, specific changes to the technical content are indicated in the Change Tracking section at the end of each document.

Office Protocols: [MS-CONFAS]: Centralized Conference Control Protocol: Application Sharing Extensions

[MS-SDPEXT]: Session Description Protocol (SDP) Version 2.0 Extensions

[MS-WOPI]: Web Application Open Platform Interface Protocol

Office File Formats: [MS-PST]: Outlook Personal Folders (.pst) File Format

[MS-QDEIF]: Query Definition Interoperability Format

[MS-XLS]: Excel Binary File Format (.xls) Structure

Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Standards Support: [MS-DOCX]: Word Extensions to the Office Open XML (.docx) File Format

[MS-ODRAWXML]: Office Drawing Extensions to Office Open XML Structure

[MS-OI29500]: Office Implementation Information for ISO/IEC 29500 Standards Support

[MS-OODF2]: Office Implementation Information for ODF 1.1 Version 2 Standards Support

[MS-XLSX]: Excel (.xlsx) Extensions to the Office Open XML SpreadsheetML File Format

SharePoint Products and Technologies Protocols: [MS-BDCWPS]: Business Data Connectivity Web Service Protocol

[MS-COMMCSOM]: Community Client-Side Object Model Protocol

[MS-CPSWS]: SharePoint Claim Provider Web Service Protocol

[MS-CSOMSPT]: SharePoint Client-Side Object Model Protocol

[MS-EMMCSOM]: Enterprise Managed Metadata Client-Side Object Model Protocol

[MS-FSSHTTP]: File Synchronization via SOAP over HTTP Protocol

[MS-FSSHTTPB]: Binary Requests for File Synchronization via SOAP Protocol

[MS-SOCCSOM]: SharePoint Social Client-Side Object Model Protocol

[MS-SPACSOM]: SharePoint Analytics Client-Side Object Model Protocol

[MS-SPSTWS]: SharePoint Security Token Service Web Service Protocol

[MS-SRCHCSOM]: Search Client Query Protocol

[MS-WDVME]: Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Protocol: Microsoft Extensions

Exchange Server Protocols: [MS-OXCFOLD]: Folder Object Protocol

[MS-OXCMSG]: Message and Attachment Object Protocol

[MS-OXCRPC]: Wire Format Protocol

[MS-OXCSTOR]: Store Object Protocol

[MS-OXNSPI]: Exchange Server Name Service Provider Interface (NSPI) Protocol

[MS-OXOMSG]: Email Object Protocol

[MS-OXORULE]: Email Rules Protocol

[MS-OXWSCONT]: Contacts Web Service Protocol

[MS-OXWSCORE]: Core Items Web Service Protocol

[MS-OXWSFOLD]: Folders and Folder Permissions Web Service Protocol

[MS-OXWSMTGS]: Calendaring Web Service Protocol