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Announcing the Release of the RPC R2 Exchange Test Suites!

RPC R2 Exchange Test Suites

The Office Interoperability team at Microsoft is very pleased to announce the release of the RPC R2 Exchange Test Suites. The Test Suites are now available on MSConnect for everyone to download.

The latest Exchange RPC R2 Protocol test suites have been updated to support a total of 12 RPC protocols. New tests for MS-OXCNOTIF and MS-OXNSPI protocols have been developed and validated. They are now part of the new test suite package. Exchange RPC R2 Protocol test suite includes robust setup scripts with more user options and a number of bug fixes to improve the end user experience. The updated test suite also includes support for the latest Exchange server versions, Exchange 2007 SP3, Exchange 2010 SP3 and Exchange 2013 SP1.

For more information on Test Suites you can watch a video from a past event that provides an overview of what is included in the test suite package. As always, if you have any questions or issues please don't hesitate to reach out directly to our support team.

Download Information

The Test Suites are available for everyone to download here.


Exchange Server RPC Protocol Test Suites

 Test Suite Name Protocol Name
 MS-OXCFOLD  Folder Object ProtocolSpecification
 MS-OXCFXICS  Bulk Data TransferProtocol Specification
 MS-OXCMSG  Message and AttachmentObject Protocol Specification
 MS-OXCNOTIF  Core NotificationsProtocol
 MS-OXCPERM  Exchange Access andOperation Permissions Protocol Specification
 MS-OXCPRPT  Property and Stream ObjectProtocol Specification
 MS-OXCROPS  Remote Operations (ROP)List and Encoding Protocol Specification
 MS-OXCRPC  Wire Format ProtocolSpecification
 MS-OXCSTOR  Store Object ProtocolSpecification
 MS-OXCTABL  Table Object ProtocolSpecification
 MS-OXNSPI  Exchange Server NameService Provider Interface (NSPI) Protocol
 MS-OXORULE  E-Mail Rules ProtocolSpecification