Dela via

New Board and Holiday Contest

I make a habit of trying out a new board by building something with it before I blog about it but I have a reason for deviating from that pattern.  I just got my FEZ Panda board and I do have a project in mind for it.  The FEZ Panda has a nice little case option and I was thinking about building a password reminder.  It will have a 2x16 display showing the site and the password, the up and down buttons will navigate through the list which is stored (encrypted) on an SD card.  The list is edited by a PC app and the whole thing is protected by an RFID reader to activate it. 


But, while I’m planning that project, I need to point out that the FEZ Panda is under $20 currently and will not be by the time I get the project done.  So this time, I’m am blogging about the board first and I’ll get to the project later.  As you can see, the board is an Arduino style board with a whole bunch of additional IO.  Check it out while the price is really low.

While you are at the TinyCLR site, you can also check out their Halloween contest.  When I was at the GHI booth at Maker Faire, I saw this pumpkin running around but I didn’t ask.  Now I understand.  They have a contest for the ‘coolest device’ built on any NETMF platform.  The judging will be done by the community. 



  • Anonymous
    September 29, 2010
    Mine just shipped, planning use it on my two wheel-balancing bot project.

  • Anonymous
    September 29, 2010
    Very cool - I'd love to hear how it works out.