Dela via

charming, professional, friendly, passionate

Over the weekend, I played around with the Personas project at the MIT Media Lab. Here's its final output:

Okay, you can't tell this from the small version, so if you don't want to click to get the big one, I'll tell you that the blocks from left to right are: online, books, management, genealogy, medicine, education, news, illegal, politics, legal, social, religion, professional. This mostly makes sense, although I can't imagine why it thinks I care about genealogy, and I'm curious what illegal activities it thinks I take part in. I don't drive very much any more (I mostly bike or walk to work), so even speeding is out. I wonder if it knows that I don't always come to a complete stop at a stop sign if I'm on my bike and there's no traffic around?

I also plugged in my shiny new post-marriage name [1], which mostly seems to pick up from my twitter feed, as well as a bit from online forums like the MacRumours forums and Get Satisfacation. This adds military, fashion, and education to my little chart. I'm completely perplexed at this. I mean, I did once post a picture of my orange shoes to Twitter, but does that really mean that I'm a fashion blogger now?

Aside from being a fashion blogger, I noticed a quote scrolling by as the site was doing its thing. I had to search on that quote to find the source. The source was a Macworld 2009 wrap-up from About This Particular Macintosh, where they not only called me "utterly charming, but also "friendly, professional, [and] passionate". Guys, that was really sweet, but there was obviously someone else in the MacBU booth handing out my business cards. John thinks that I'm more evil than he is, and one person really can't be both utterly charming and more evil than 1/3 of the Angry Mac Bastards.

[1] So shiny and new that it's not even in the Microsoft system yet because I don't have a new Social Security card. Which is to say: if you have my email address, you don't need to be worried about it not working any time soon.


  • Anonymous
    August 26, 2009
    Na Na.... Ok after 5 months we don't see nothing only "Worlds" for Messenger 8 where is messenger??? really hungry and tirred for this..

  • Anonymous
    August 26, 2009
    You do understand that complaining constantly about it isn't actually going to change anything, right?  Especially given that (a) I'm not on the Messenger team, and (b) it's not my decision?  

  • Anonymous
    August 27, 2009
    Who is people are on Messenger Team i want talk with him thanks

  • Anonymous
    August 27, 2009
    The comment has been removed