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Handling termination in Windows Store Applications

Ever wondered what happens when to your Windows Store application when the system is under memory pressure? In the linked video, Christophe Nasarre, Microsoft Premier Field Engineer from Microsoft France, presents all the details in his own inimitable style. You’ve seen Christophe previously on our blog , so he needs no further introduction. Over to him!

After suspension and resuming, it is time to talk about the automatic application termination provided by Windows. In the video, you will see that the ByeBye tool is used to simulate high memory pressure conditions. Next, we talk about what you have to do in your code to handle this situation for your users. Lastly, DebugView from SysInternals is used to explain what’s going on exactly when a user explicitly closes a Windows Store App.

For your convenience, here’s the video timeline (note that it will launch a new browser window):

  • [0:28] Suspension in Task Manager and Windows App thumbnail list
  • [2:00] Using ByeBye and the effect on Windows App thumbnail list
  • [3:16] Explanation of LaunchActivatedEventArgs.PreviousExecutionState values
  • [10:04] Using SysInternals DebugView with Windows Store App
  • [11:00] Why waiting for 10 seconds when you exit an App?



Here are some of the tools and concepts we covered in this video:


Thank you for watching!


Original content from Christophe Nasarre; posted by MSPFE Editor Arvind Shyamsundar