Dela via

Does size really matter?

The first embedded release of Windows CE shipped in 1998 (the Embedded Tool Kit, or ETK), at every embedded conference since then we talk about Windows CE as being a small footprint, hard real-time, componentized operating system. The CE6 kernel only build is around 350KB, obviously the operating system image size increases with the addition of components to the core operating system. A build of Windows CE that includes the “Standard Shell”, Internet Explorer, .NET Compact Framework, Media Player, and even adding Solitaire for good measure would get you an operating system in the 20MB range. For Windows Embedded Standard (Windows XP Embedded) an average operating system image size is ~300MB.

Devices can fall into one of two categories, “open” where the end user can add media, games, applications, maps, POI data, and more, in these devices there is typically additional storage available either shared with the o/s image, or potentially external media (USB stick, SD card etc…) – Examples of opens device would be Windows Mobile (some devices ship with on-board flash, others with optional SD storage) or Apple iPhone (where the base operating system image size is 500MB and the device ships with 8GB ro 16GB flash) – And then there’s “closed” devices that ship with a pre-baked operating system image and no options for installation of new applications, examples here would be a real-time controller, ultrasound machine, gaming device (casino).

So, here’s the question to you… What is an acceptable operating system image size?

- Mike


  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2009
    Really small!  In, I walk through creating a DeviceEmulator ROM that is just 1.3mb, but still has all of the APIs and features needed to support usermode app development from Visual Studio. I was impressed by how small Windows CE could get without resorting to any code editing. Barry

  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 06, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 09, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2009
    On my device the image size gets to 22Mb which includes all networks, Web server  and IM. It boots in 5 sec. I think maybe we need some tool which allows more presize detection of memory layout, maybe it exists and I just do know about it :-) Barry K.

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2009
    What memory tools are you looking for? - what problem are you trying to solve?

  • Mike
  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2009
    Mike, I am looking for the tool which allows to optimize RAM usage and CPU speed because this directly affects the cost. I would like to use the slowest CPU possible with smalest RAM possible to satisfy my system and application requirements. Barry.