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Xbox One holiday lineup: Already more than 25 awards, 60 nominations

Xbox One’s 2014 holiday lineup of nine exclusive games, announced at E3 2014 earlier this month, has already received more than 60 nominations and 25 awards. Seven of the nominations are for the prestigious Game Critics Best of E3 2014 Awards, leading the industry for 2014 games.

“Congratulations to the creators who are receiving broad acclaim for the games shown at E3,” said Phil Spencer, head of Xbox. “We saw an incredible display of games at E3 from across the industry and we’re thrilled gamers will have such a wide selection available this year on Xbox One, including ‘Halo: The Master Chief Collection,’ ‘Sunset Overdrive,’ ‘Forza Horizon 2,’ ‘Ori and the Blind Forest.’ Xbox One is the only place you can play these games along with creative independent titles and blockbusters such as ‘Assassin’s Creed Unity,’ ‘Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare,’ ‘Destiny,’ ‘Evolve,’ ‘Grand Theft Auto V,’ and dozens more – making gaming on Xbox One unmatched this holiday.”

To learn more, head over to Xbox Wire.

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Suzanne Choney
Microsoft News Center Staff