Dela via

31 Days of Our Favorite Things: Getting to Know the New Task Manager in Windows Server 2012 (Part 14 of 31)

I know what your thinking, really Matt the task manager.  Yes we are serious, even the task manager has gotten rewritten, and the new one has gotten even more info.  Know if you have brought up the task manger on a Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012 system you probably saw a screen similar to this:


If you have and wondered what happened to all the data that used to be there, click on More Details for the rest of the story.  Better yet check out Keith’s post:

Taming the New Task Manager - 31 Days of Favorite Features in #WinServ 2012 ( Part 14 of 31 ) 


We hope you are enjoying the series and check out Windows Server 2012 by taking a look at these downloads:

If you missed any of the parts you can find the rest of the series here: 31 Days of Our Favorite Things in Windows Server 2012.