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RichCopy Build 4.0.216 has been posted to the Microsoft Download Center.

I am so surprised there are so many IT professionals who are looking for rich featured file copy tools. Since RichCopy became publicly available from the Microsoft download center, I am receiving tons of emails such as questions, bug reports, feature requests. I am sorry that I am not able to respond to all of your e-mails, however I will answer most of them in my blog. Some of you may have noticed that RichCopy package on Microsoft download center has been replaced with a new build which is Version 4.0.216. There is no additional features, but the following bugs have been fixed in this release.

1. Cannot copy security information when /CSA /CSD /CSG /CSO /CSS options are specified or equivalent options are set in the option dialog.
2. Logging information is truncated when RichCopy is executed from the command line.
3. Destination path got corrupted when RichCopy is executed from the command line. (rarely happens..)
4. There is no description of file and directory filtering command parameters in the helpfile…

Currently installed RichCopy has to be removed before installing the new version.

One thing I found is,
There must be many users who use RichCopy to copy only updated files. Most of users assign only 1 thread for directory search; however you can dramatically accelerate the performance of source and destination comparison by assigning multiple threads, especially this works well when files are distributed to multiple directories as RichCopy assign 1 thread to each directory search, not a tree.

Here is an example. (local to local, but different storage)

(1 million files in source and destination)
Thread # for Directory Search
1 about 10 minutes
2 about 6 minutes
4 about 2 minutes
8 about 1 minutes


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I will also investigate the issue of timer function.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Ken, Sorry so long getting back. I do indeed have the latest version 4,0,216,0 is what's in help about. Has anyone confirmed they can get ACLs to copy? Thanks

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Problem signature:  Problem Event Name: APPCRASH  Application Name: RichCopy64.exe  Application Version:  Application Timestamp: 4a2fa7b5  Fault Module Name: RichCopy64.exe  Fault Module Version:  Fault Module Timestamp: 4a2fa7b5  Exception Code: c0000005  Exception Offset: 000000000006b4d3  OS Version: 6.0.6001.  Locale ID: 1033  Additional Information 1: e695  Additional Information 2: 0c657b4db728d0da029efbe3503a5f08  Additional Information 3: 89a5  Additional Information 4: c9094bc0c989795a55d1ebcced67e8c5 Read our privacy statement:

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Help please! I just downloaded this program and installed it. I started it and went to the file copy option by click the "option" button. In the "file copy options" window, I only saw "overview" menu, nothing else. In the help, it shows that there are also other menu such as "process control", "attributes, errors" and "filter..." etc. Also I don't seem to be able to rename the "default", click "New" added "default-1", not able to rename it either. anything I missing? Thank you for your help!

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I have been using this product for a huge file server migration and its working great, however I am now running into a problem with NTFS permissions.  It seems that running the application as "administrator" if it copies a folder that "Administrator" is not an owner of, then it will not copy the NTFS permissions. I have tested this in a few ways and its definitly the link. An example would be, Source C:profile Destination D:Profile In source their are two folders A - Owned by Admin B - Owned by "Regular Joe" When you copy, the files, only A would get its NTFS permissions copied, B would just be configured to inherit from C:Profile. Thought this info might help in resolving the issue. Thanks

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Thanks Ken, program works great. We currently use the robocopy /MIR switch to replicate all our file shares to a backup appliance. Is it possible to achieve this with Richcopy? I have tried the /PURGE switch but that doesn't seem to remove empty folders.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Thanks for the great utility Ken! But I have same problem with copy ACLs as tropolite and techguy. I am running RichCopy 4.0.217 on Win2003R2 and i cannot copy ACLs with files from local disk to local disk on same server. Hi and thanks

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hi Ken Just wanted to say thanks to start with. I've been holding out for this build - Will be testing the functionality in the morning. Appreciate your work. Cheers Tropolite

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Thanks for the great utility Ken!  One thing I noticed is that the Archive Attribute isn't be reset on the source file after it is being copied.  Am I doing something wrong or is this a known bug? For example if I run Richcopy to copy a directory with two files in it with purge selected and copy only on time stamp update.  It will copy the two files to the new location.  If I run the same routine over again after no changes to either doc the utility will still copy both files. I want to use this utility to mirror a huge directory structure with gigs of data, but I don't want to copy the gigs each time.  I only want to copy the new and update files which is only a small portion of the structure. Any advice would be much appreciate from you or any other member here. Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Could you check the version installed in your machine? I have tested MS internal version, and it seems ok, so I may make mistake updating public version. (By the way, only difference between MS Internal and public version is contact information, logo,etc. So functionality is exactly same.)

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    is there a way to integrate RichCopy or the features of ( copy always-thread number of directory copy ) into windows or use some of its features by default when windows tries to copy files

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I will look into this one again, and get back to this thread.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Ken, Wildcards - It's the ".csv" that doesn't work.  I did try the ".*" for the excluded directory command and it still includes the directories in the copy.  Everything works fine when executed from the GUI.  When run from a batch file it just seems to ignore all include/exclude commands and it copies everything from the source to the destination.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hi After trying several different settings running RichCopy 4.0.216 on Win2003R2 and VistaSP2 (as admnistrator within the same domain, or just on the same PC/Server), I still cannot copy over ACLs to the new location. I made sure I removed the earlier version and checked the registry for any orphan keys. Installed the new version still without success on ACL migration. Has anyone been successful? Any pointers? A beer to anyone that can give me an answer  ;) cheers tropolite

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hi Ken, Has we are moving files from a file server  to another, we have many files with access denied. The problem is that we don't have the ownership or the NTFS permission (or both) on that file. Is it possible to add a feature like "Override Security on Access Denied" like in ScriptLogic SecureCopy. Here is what this option do: "Select to override security when access is denied. Allows an administrator to perform a copy without changing any of the permissions or ownership for the objects. In a traditional copy process, a user must have permissions on a file or folder to copy it. If the user is denied access, they must first take ownership of the object, and then set the appropriate permissions before copying it. Imagine the nightmare scenario of migrating 10,000 user home and profile directories from one server to another. These directories would take forever to repermission and copy." Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I have a very complex folder structure with 5-20 files per folder (some folders only contain other folders).   There are about 25 million files (about 5.5 TB). Most files are less than 1 MB in size. Any suggestion for tuning threads?

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I wasn't aware that windows server 2003 had UAC? Im running as a domain admin already, does it have to be the local admin?

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Could some help me out please. I'm trying to copy from my current file server to our new one. I want to copy all the folders as they are now to the new location, with sharing and security intact is this possible? If so can some one tell me what switches I would need to use to accomplish this I have tried a few but can't seem to get them to come over right, expecially the sharing portion. Thanks

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    A quick addendum.  For both parts of the copy process listed in the previous post, make sure that under "file attributes, Error Handling"  that you've checked the appropriate check boxes in the "Security information" section.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    After ok1's comment I did some further testing and it seems that the /p switch (purge) is incompatible with multiple source directories. Unfortunately it is a rather important option for me. :(

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Bug! I'm using the /NE switch to do a copy of the file only when the file does not exist in the destination. However, it's seem the overwrite the destination file even if this file exist.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    There are two solutions to work around ACL issue.

  1. Turn off UAC, however it is not recommended.
  2. Check the option of "Run as administrator".
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Another user said they had used many source and destination directories with no issue so we tried deleting the registry info for RichCopy and my problems went away :-). However there is a limit on how many source and destination folders so it would be nice to now what it is. TIA.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I cannot get the "Use Name to Filter Files" to work.  After selecting the checkbox for the above and adding *.config, *.cs to the textbox and then saving my option file, if I go back into my option file I find the "Use Name to Filter Files" checkbox is deselected.  Furthermore no files are excluded when copying.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hi Ken, I'm having an issue with wildcards.  I'm executing the program from a batch and it's not recognizing the wildcard selection.  It is copying all directories and files from the source directory to the destination. "C:Program FilesMicrosoft Rich ToolsRichCopy 4.0RichCopy.exe"  "C:Documents and SettingsebamburyDesktopSource"  "C:Documents and SettingsebamburyDesktopDestination" /M /FIF ".csv" /FED "" /QA /QP "C:report.log" /UE /US /UD /UC /UPF /UFC /UCS /USC /USS /UPR /UET If there is a better forum for these questions, please advise. Thank you in advance.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    RichCopy has the potential to be one MS' best tools.  First thing it needs is real support or at least a forum for user's to exchange tips.  Making it open source or an official part of the next SP would be great.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Greetings, Ken.  Thanks for sharing a great tool.  I know you are inundated with feature requests but I hope this one is worthy of your time.  It would be fantastic if copy jobs could be created and stored/edited in XML.  For instance: <RichCopy>  <CopyJobsCollection name="DeployToTest">    <CopyJob>      <source>...      ... (Other copy options)    </CopyJob>    <CopyJob />  </CopyJobsCollection>  <CopyJobsCollection name="DeployToProduction">    <CopyJob>      <source>...      ... (Other copy options)    </CopyJob>    <CopyJob />  </CopyJobsCollection> </RichCopy>

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Yes, have confirmed what roolku said that purge (/P) does break multiple folders. Good find ! Can we please have the equivilent features that RoboCopy has with the /Z /B and /ZB added options (restartable and backup modes) at some stage ?

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Is there any option to set the path length limit to the NTFS limit of 32,767 instead of following the 259 character limit?

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I have the same problem as nore and I'm glad to hear that I am not the only one.  How do you get it to copy over the source folder to the destination and not just the files? For example this is what I want: Source: C:foldertext.txt Destination: C:foldertext.txt Instead I get: C:text.txt I have not fould anyway to fix this.  I thought what duperdog said above might work, but no dice... Please this must be something really simple!

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hi guys, Is there any way to skip corrupted files? I'm trying to copy a large amount of files and Richcopy stops at 49GB with an error 1392 (the file or directory is corrupted and unreadable). I just want to skip those corrupted files and continue with the rest. Thanks!!!

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Yes, without Purge, I'm just filling, filling, filling my destination drive.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I tried this latest version, selected security info be copied in the gui. However, it's still not copying the acls between two filers in same domain. Does this only do explicidly assigned acls or will it copy them if copying from lower lever folder that has inherited them? Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Looks like when RCX files are called, they do not update the main screen nor take effect. The AppTitle does change however, to the RCX file name. Looking at "View...Copy Options" shows the RCX parameters but apparently they are not being "Applied".

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    btw: the version I use is

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I'm trying to copy only txt files by date from a mixed folder.  When I try to set various options I move either all the text files (instead of only those before/after date) or all files in directory.  How do you recommend setting the options for this?

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Can RichCopy get past the 255 character limit ?

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I concur with many of the comments previously posted.  I downloaded and installed this on Vista thinking it would be very useful to make backups of important directories.  However, it falls short of the mark on many features.  Even though Microsoft does not support this tool I feel the author should not be posting code that doesn't work.  I tried just a simple "exclude" of *.exe files and it copied them anyway.  If this simple usage doesn't work why would I believe any of the more complex options like attributes, date/time, etc would work?  Ken, if you don't have time to maintain this would you consider posting the code to Sourceforge or Code Project or some other open source community that could pick it up and maintain it?

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Ken, et al, Love the tool!! I too have been having issues with the ACLs copying properly, but I think I may have an idea as to why.  IF the ACLs are inherited from the directory above, these do not seem to copy if the directory itself is not copied.  As a workaround, I seem to be having success with a 2 part process.  Given a sample file structure of E:data E:datadirectory1 E:dataanotherdir In the sourcepath, I type in &lt;sourcecomputer>e$data   In the Destination path E:data under options I choose "directory creation only" under "Files to be included"-"Condition to include directories" I check the "Use name to filter directories" and then enter  directory1;anotherdir This creates the directories with the ACLs intact.  Then I simply go back and remove the options in the "files to be included" and change the source and destination directories to include the names of the directories (ie datadirectory1 and dataanotherdir) The files and directories underneath all then get their ACLs from the root directories that were created in the first step.. Hope this helps

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Downloaded the new version twice, does anyone have tips on how to make it copy ACL? Windows Server 2003, SP2 copying from disk to dia, Both NTFS, both basic disks Robocopy works, but this is a million times faster...

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Does anyone know how to copy the parent folder from the source to the destination with RichCopy? I am using

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Why can't I copy a directory directly and not only the contents, e.g. if i copied c:test to d: i get the content of test in d:, but i want also the test dir to be there, not only the contents. Or am I missing an option ? Another thing, once, I copied around 10G. Then i added something to the source, after that when I copied again,  the whole 10G were recopied again and not only the new additions, why is that ? I didn't change the default options and i'm on version Thanks

  • Anonymous
    June 17, 2010
    Great tool but using Rich Copy 64 on a production server (from Windows Server 2003 32 Standard Edition to Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter x64) crashes :( Nome dell'applicazione che ha generato l'errore: RichCopy64.exe, versione:, timestamp: 0x4a2fa7b5 Nome del modulo che ha generato l'errore: ntdll.dll, versione: 6.1.7600.16385, timestamp: 0x4a5be02b Codice eccezione: 0xc0000005 Offset errore 0x0000000000051da0 ID processo che ha generato l'errore: 0xb6c Ora di avvio dell'applicazione che ha generato l'errore: 0x01cb0e3a04ce0379 Percorso dell'applicazione che ha generato l'errore: C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Rich ToolsRichCopy 4.0RichCopy64.exe Percorso del modulo che ha generato l'errore: C:WindowsSYSTEM32ntdll.dll ID segnalazione: c388a82f-7a55-11df-a410-005056bc0593

  • Anonymous
    July 07, 2010
    Any is 217 the latest version of Robocopy? This is the latest version I've managed to find. I'm also having issues with the timer function, it's 17:15 now, if I set it to start at 18:00 it's just starting immediately. If I set it to 19:00 it sits there waiting. Something to do with daylight savings time or something?

  • Anonymous
    August 01, 2010
    Access is Denied: Very simple thing I want to do is copy my C: drive to my R: drive in the same computer. I want an exact subdirectory match and purge destination so I've set my options this way. Also have "Run as administrator" but still getting "Access is Denied" on every operation.

  • Anonymous
    August 02, 2010
    Hi Ken, Thanks for this wonderful program. I just found it today and it looks like a spot-on answer to my "windows rsync"-needs. However, if I check "purge"-option in the GUI, I get "error: 87 The parameter is in correct" immediately after pressing start. If I leave "purge"-option unchecked, it works fine. I use Win 7/32-bit and I'm copying to a network drive. I have two source folders. I use RichCopy 4.0.217

  • Anonymous
    August 02, 2010
    Uups. It is in the blog comments that purge does not work with multiple sources. It would be a great feature, but I can find my way over this.

  • Anonymous
    August 03, 2010
    Hi Ken - I have started playing around with Richcopy, so far, I like what I see.  I am running Win 7 Ultimate 64, and have been copying to a 2TB WD USB 2 External HD unit.  What I would like to do is as follows:  I would like to selectively backup from my C drive individual folders, and have them copied in a structured way to the external.  For example, say I want to copy C:Apacheconf*.* C:Apachehtdocs*.* C:cc123Mike*.* to K:BU, such that the folder structure is preserved under K:BU like this: K:BUApacheconf*.* K:BUApachehtdocs*.* K:BUcc123Mike*.* is this possible?  Right now, the way it works is I get: K:BUconf*.* K:BUhtdocs*.* K:BUMike*.* The thing I am worried about is, a conflict if I want to back up multiple folders (let's say I have two intances of Apache: Apache and Apache2, conf and htdocs will conflict under K:BU) Any ideas? Thanks, Mike

  • Anonymous
    August 05, 2010
    I have tried to install RichCopy  on 2 different machines, but the only thing I get under Options is Overview.  I do not see fitlers or anything under Overview.  Is there a problem with the download.  I have downloaded version 4, 0, 217, 0

  • Anonymous
    August 18, 2010
    In help about Consolidate Multiple Sources the two pictures are inverted. Thanks for making available this great tool.  It think it would be worthwhile to revise the help file for any other errors and for clarity.  Remember that your audience now goes beyond MS developers.

  • Anonymous
    August 23, 2010
    I just found richcopy and it looks like an excellent too, however I am experiencing a problem with file and folder exclusions. When adding a file or folder exclusion it appears to save the exclusion. However when you run the files get copied. If you open the options back up the "use name to filter files" checkbox is grayed out.

  • Anonymous
    September 03, 2010
    Lots of questions with no answers.. Looks like support for this tool has been abandoned!  Thanks Microsoft!

  • Anonymous
    September 23, 2010
    It's a shame that PURGE doesn't work on multiple source...

  • Anonymous
    October 15, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    October 22, 2010
    Wont reset archive bit on source. Really?

  • Anonymous
    November 18, 2010
    Hi! I'm currently looking for a replacement for RoboCopy that does a robust source/target compare after copy. While RichCopy does feature a "Verify", it is not clear to me how that verify actually works. Does it just compare simple things such as file size & timestamps, or does it really compute checksums on both source and target and then compare those? That would be the actual "Verify" I'm looking for. Thank you very much!

  • Anonymous
    November 18, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    June 14, 2011
    You have to use \servernamesharename for ACLs to copy

  • Anonymous
    June 21, 2011
    I was trying to learn why I get errors and code 2 indicated.  In my case, it is a mixed environment.  A server 2003 with Mac filesystem enabled.  Invariably the files that error are created by a MAC.  There is often a space or other un-seen character in the file name and the PC side of the house can't touch these files.  They won't copy or delete etc.  RichCopy at least keeps going where other products fail. The code is 2.  FYI.  It is reproting the files as in use or un-available.

  • Anonymous
    July 12, 2011
    I've run into an issue with wildcards as well but managed to get around it. I was looking for files with a certain string in the name specifically 1F at the name's end just before the extension. "1F." only copied files names with 070xxx1F.x. I searched through all the settings to find an explanation as to why this happened. When I replaced the "1F."  with "??????1F.???" it seemed to work.

  • Anonymous
    August 16, 2011
    Hi Ken: Can RichCopy handle any length size file name or is there a limitation as to length size of a file name? Are there any type of special characters within a file name that RichCopy will not process? If RichCopy can handle any length size file name, is there any special setup parameters that need to be incorporated for successful completion of copying directories and files? Thanks MK  

  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2011
    I have been searching for an copy utility to skip any file (locked, inaccessible, corrupted etc) that takes too long to read automatically. Then use the log to retry those corrupted files after all savable files are already saved. Will this do that? Windows only allow u to retry or cancel, not skip the file located under bad sector. When that happen, u have to go thru all the files in all the folders to find out where it quit.

  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2011
    What's wrong with Xcopy and the "/C" parameter?

  • Anonymous
    June 27, 2012
    When you use the Purge option it does not remove directories that have been deleted from the source.  Any way to make it mirror the directory structure as well as the files?

  • Anonymous
    August 08, 2012
    Ken, Thank you for coding such a useful and excellent program and for MS giving it to the general public pro bono. This software has saved me countless hours of watching the progress bar during copy/past/move operations. Keep up the good work!

  • Anonymous
    August 08, 2012
    When I stop a richcopy, the gui may or may not close, but the copy continues.  The only way I can get it to stop is to pull either the source and/or destination drive(s).

  • Anonymous
    January 22, 2013
    Answers to two questions i noticed above. The questions are old, however. So, FWIW, if you want a parent directory created you must use UNC pathing when choosing your source. Using a mapped drive will only copy the subfolders. In "File Copy Options", in order to see anything more than "Overview" you must change to "Advanced" in the View pulldown menu at the top.

  • Anonymous
    March 14, 2013
    Is there a memory leak in this app?  We're noticing that while moving a huge volume of data (over 12million files in over 5.5 million directories consuming about 13 TB), richcopy seems to keep growing its use of the pagefile.

  • Anonymous
    May 07, 2013
    So... Where's the source code?  Please please put it in Codeplex or somewhere.

  • Anonymous
    September 05, 2013
    good tools. I want to know if this tool support path+filename > 256

  • Anonymous
    November 19, 2013
    Hi Is there a 64 bit version of Richcopy ?

  • Anonymous
    November 27, 2013
    When you install RichCopy, two .exes are created. One is 2 bit and the other is 64 bit: RichCopy64.exe.

  • Anonymous
    July 29, 2014
    Try LONG PATH TOOL!!! the best solution

  • Anonymous
    August 21, 2014
    What is latest version of Rich copy and where is the link where i can download it?

  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2015
    Where is the most recent version download link?

  • Anonymous
    April 21, 2015
    Two things to note about RichCopy:

    1. It is no longer being developed. Robocopy is the recommended Microsoft alternative. A good third-party utility that replaces most of the RichCopy functionality is Unstoppable Copier from

    2. RichCopy does not preallocate space in the destination. As a result, running RichCopy with multiple threads will result in severe fragmentation of the destination drive. Robocopy does preallocate space. I do not believe Unstoppable Copier supports multiple threads.

  • Anonymous
    June 08, 2015
    Hi Ken, why not make an open source and let us contribute?