Dela via

Using ldp.exe to look up a user in the active directory

I'm tired of having to look up the query syntax every time I need to do it, so blogging it:

1. Start ldp.exe
2. Connection | Connect and choose your DC
3. Connect | Bind and authenticate
4. View | Tree and browse to the top-level OU from which you want to search
5. Connect | New to clear the right pane
6. Right click on that OU and choose Search
7. To search on the alias, use: “(&(objectclass=*)(mailnickname=aliasnamehere))“

More information:


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    A while back I posted on how to use ldp.exe to look up a user in the AD. I left out an important part,...
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I've blogged previously about using ldp, a handy tool:

    Look up a user in the AD using LDP
  • Anonymous
    July 26, 2004
    I am sorry about posting unrelated comment here, but I couldn't find any other way to contact anyone related. So, please, if you don't have answers to these questions, it would be great if you could point me to the right person.

    I have come across a bunch of issues related to MAPI/Outlook and would really appreciate if
    there's some resolution or at least a little explanation about them.

    One of the biggest problem we have is that MAPI objects don't support aggregation. In OL2000 they even typecast Message store interface as a C++ object (Mail Folder Properties - Synchronize).

    We desperately need MAPI debug symbols. It's quite difficult to debug and sort out issues without them.

    A few issues in OL/MAPI:

    1. NewInspector event does not fire when OL is launched as form server:
    When Outlook is launched as a form server (using IMAPIFormMgr::LoadForm followed by IPersistMessage::Load and IMAPIForm::DoVerb) to display a particular IMessage, and if this is done when Outlook is not already running, an inspector window launches to display the IMessage. However the NewInspector event does not fire in this case.

    2. Outlook crashes when you return E_ABORT from the IOutlookExtItemEvents::OnOpen while opening an embedded message:
    When an embedded message within another message is opened from the preview pane by double-clicking on it, the IOutlookExtItemEvents::OnOpen method is called. If we wish to dismiss the inspector window that launches to display this message, the documentation recommends us to return E_ABORT. However, in this case (opening an embedded message) returning E_ABORT (or any other failure code) causes Outlook to crash.

    3. An ECF file is needed for the IOutlookExtItemEvents method calls to fire:
    Not documented!

    4. The ECF file entries required to handle the IExchAttachedFileEvents methods are unintuitive:
    Normally the ECF file entries to handle the methods are the names of the methods in the Events key under the relevant section(s). But in the case of the above interface the entries are different. They are OnOpenAttachment; OnLoadAttachmentFromFile; OnSaveAttachmentToFile

    5. The olDiscard flag does not work on Outlook XP:
    The _MailItem(and other item types such as _AppointmentItem etc) AND _Inspector interfaces in the Outlook object model support a Close method. This method takes in a flag which is of the enum type OlInspectorClose. The valid enum values are olSave (which means save the changes to the item before closing the window), olDiscard (discard any changes made to the item before closing the window) and
    olPromptForSave (which means prompt for save if there are any changes). In Outlook XP, the olDiscard flag does NOT work. It treats the value as an olSave value and actually saves the changes.

    6. PR_ATTACH_NUM returns a large value when OL2003 is running in Cached Exchange Mode:
    Normally the PR_ATTACH_NUM property of the attachment returns the zero-based index of the attachment in the attachment table. However, in offline mode (seen in "Cached Exchange mode" in OL 2003), Outlook returns a random large value for the PR_ATTACH_NUM property

    7. Adding a new command bar to a Word Inspector window fails
    When an Outlook addin or Exchange Client Extension tries to add a command bar to the CommandBars collection of a Word Inspector window (this happens when Word is used to display rich text emails) this call fails with E_FAIL. In fact addition of a command bar into Word from any out-of-process code fails

    We would like more documentation ideally, but debug symbols are absolute necessity. One can argue that OL symbols are intellectual property, but what about MAPI symbols?

    amjoshi at gmail dot com
  • Anonymous
    July 27, 2004
    Adfind and dsquery are your friends. :-)