Now them's some smart web services
I just stumbled across, which looks like a pretty innovative site... it scans weblogs and looks for links to books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other book sites. It then relates them all together - look up a favorite book to find other blogs that have linked to it (sorted by date, too, in case it's very topical), which seems like a great way to find new bloggers. For example, see who else has pointed at one of my favorite tech books.
- Anonymous
April 19, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
April 19, 2004
Alex: I'm not sure, perhaps Slashdot isn't considered a blog since it's not the traditional type, more of a web forum with an RSS feed. Why don't you try mailing the author and find out? -->
Send questions and suggestions for improvement to erik at allconsuming dot net.