Hello, IT bloggers! Yes, that means both of you.
In a couple of weeks, I'll be celebrating my 6 month blogaversary. Sheesh, have I learned a lot in that time. I've talked to (and sometimes helped) a whole new bunch of customers, I've found several blogs from Exchange administrators that have provided for some great reading, I started the Exchange blog which is slowly gaining readership and sparking discussions inside the team, and overall have had a great time learning from everyone in the blogosphere and getting my team involved in said sphere.
One of the things I frequently come up against is the split of the readers and writers in this world (which is still fairly brave and new to me, but perhaps not to many of you). Obviously there's a whole lot of the developer types, and it's so exciting to see the vibrant community they have built and the relationships they have with each other. (I have a confession to make... I didn't know who Don Box was untill I started reading blogs.)
But unfortunately there aren't many of us who blog about IT issues (inside the company or out), at least that I have seen. I saw this post from Jonathan Hardwick that reminded me of a couple of things I've been meaning to talk about:
#1: MOM is a great product and the management pack for Exchange 2003 is available for free, which is nice. We had a team of folks working diligently throughout the Exchange 2003 product cycle to add logic in the e2k3 management pack that notifies administrators when care and feeding of the Exchange servers is needed. Jim was an intern on the management pack last summer (BTW, Jim, I was working on a different project last summer, which is probably why we never met... in the ship party photo I'm one of the leftmost people in black shirts and I'm the only one holding a 3 week old, if that helps ;-).
#2: If you blog about IT-related issues (let's limit it to server technologies for the moment, since OfficeZealot already does such a great job aggregating office blogs), add a comment here with a link to your blog. I'd like to at least get a list started, and then I'll figure out what to do with it.
- Anonymous
January 01, 2003
You have been Taken Out! Thanks for the post. - Anonymous
March 12, 2004
Wow, if I have you correct in the picture (i didn't see Jared in the picture), I am the 4th person to the right of you (the one leaning forward looking somewhat goofy (this wasn't the best pricture of me). :) - Anonymous
March 12, 2004
And just to add a little more information, I am right in the center of where the two "lines" intersect in the T. - Anonymous
March 12, 2004
My favorite IT weblogger has to be Mike McBride at Life of a One-Man IT Department.
http://www.mikemcbrideonline.com/blogger.html - Anonymous
March 12, 2004
Thanks Anita!
Also FMI: http://itmanager.blogs.com - Anonymous
March 13, 2004
Hi KC,
I just started a webblog about SBS and SMB related issues that I deal with or find interesting. Hope it helps!
Tavis - Anonymous
March 14, 2004
I'm considering starting a blog about life in a large international corporate IT department--technical stuff, staff and management perception of products, technical directions, trends, etc. But not developer stuff--that's out of my area--more infrastructure. Not sure if there are many out there... I'm wondering if there would be any interest in reading it. What would Microsoft teams be interested in reading I wonder? - Anonymous
March 14, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
March 14, 2004
K: Sure, go for it - That sounds interesting to me. One of the things I would like to know more about is how the people who own the exchange servers and the people who deploy outlook work together (if they're not the same).
Greg: Close enough =) I don't just blog about IT either. I'd love to read more about exchange via your blog and your admin's, if you can get that person to blog too. The more the merrier. - Anonymous
March 14, 2004
I'd also add
Jeremy Wright: http://www.ensight.org/
Gund Kata: http://www.livejournal.com/users/gund_kata/ - Anonymous
March 14, 2004
You don't even want to get me started on our environment...
Groupware: Exchange
Directory Services: eDirectory
Node Management: ZENworks
Patch Management: Ecora Patch Manager
Allocation Management: StorageCentral / NorthernStorageSuite
Terminal Services: Citrix
... And it all works together! It's a thing of art, really. 25,000 employees across 15 sites and this all works. Craziness.
Anyways, thanks Jonathan for the mention. Yeah, feel free to add me to any IT list. I have about 100 more here: http://bloglines.com/public/ensight
Feel free to poach :) - Anonymous
March 14, 2004
Forgot one :)
Steve Schofield: http://sms2003.com/steve/ - Anonymous
March 14, 2004
www.briandesmond.com - Anonymous
March 16, 2004
Worth a look ... - Anonymous
March 17, 2004
Bruce Eckel is worth reading.
http://mindview.net/WebLog - Anonymous
March 17, 2004
I have been known to post server related stuff from time to time... ;) - Anonymous
March 17, 2004
Alex Scoble (Yes, he is related) has a great IT Manager blog at http://itmanager.blogs.com/notes - Anonymous
March 17, 2004
I've written a bit about IT Outsourcing lately. Will likely write more soon.