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How To: Walkthrough Using HttpListener or Http Server unmanaged code (C++) as an SSL Simple Server

There seems to be no simple end-to-end walkthrough for creating a simple HttpListener based SSL Listener that includes how to configure the computer by generating and installing a Certificate for this listener.

Basic concepts covered:

  • Write the listener code to listen for SSL requests
  • Generate a self signed Certificate
  • Configure the machine to use a Certificate

Write the listener code to listen for SSL requests

Here is the documentation for HttpListener:

UPDATE: You can also apply this to unmanaged listener based code such as what you can find here: 

Copy the code from the above page and paste it into a new C# Console application right under the Main() function.  Then add the System.Net namespace right under using System.Text;: using System.Net;

Now from the Main function call the function you pasted in passing the prefixes you wish to listen to.  In my case I will listen to http requests on port 8080 when the URI ends with the ‘listener’ prefix and https requests on port 8081 again with the ‘listener’ prefix.  Every time a request is handled you need to restart the program.

static void Main(string[] args)
           string[] thePrefixes = { "https://+:8080/listener/", "https://+:8081/listener/" };

The code should now compile and you can run in the debugger.  I then used Internet Explorer to try and reach the listener: https://jsan17708317:8080/listener/ and this succeeds!  However the https site does not succeed: https://jsan17708317:8081/listener/".

The failure occurs because we have not set up a certificate for the listener to use for SSL traffic (https).  This brings us to the next two items.

Generate a self signed Certificate

First of all, if this is a production environment, you will want to get a server certificate issued by a Trusted Root authority.  This Post illustrates how to create a self signed certificate to test your code before you get a certificate from an authority.

This is the documentation for MakeCert.exe :  You can use this program to generate a self signed Server Certificate for the application.

Using Visual Studio 2008-2010 you can simply use the Visual Studio 2008 or 2010 command prompt from the program menu to access MakeCert.exe.  (NOTE: For Vista and later, make sure you are running as an Administrative command prompt so that you have appropriate permissions)

The syntax would look something like this (replace the name of the machine ‘jsan17708317’ with yours, and see the makecert documentation for an explanation of the arguments used here):

makecert.exe -sr LocalMachine -ss MY -a sha1 -n "CN=jsan17708317" -sky exchange -pe -eku

The command should return ‘Succeeded’.

Now you need to ensure the Root Authority is trusted.  To do this from the same command prompt you used above, type MMC.  Then choose ‘File’, ‘Add/Remove Snap-in…’


and then hit the ‘Add’ Button, select ‘Certificates’.  Click the ‘Add’ button…


Select ‘Computer account’ and then click ‘Next >’, ‘Finish’, ‘Close’ and ‘OK’.


You should them be able to expand the Tree on the left to show the Personal Certificates and find the one you just added (mine is the only one shown)…


Double click on your certificate and you will see something similar to this:


You need to resolve the Red X problem (the certificate cannot be verified up to a trusted root).

Click on the  ‘Certification Path’ tab in this dialog, and the problem certificate (Root Agency) then on ‘View Certificate’.


You will see the problem is that this Certificate is not in the ‘Trusted Root’ store. 


To get it into the store, click the ‘Details’ Tab and then the ‘Copy to File…’ button


Hit ‘Next >’ twice then the ‘Browse’ button and save the file to your local Documents directory (name it something like ‘RootCert’) then finish up the wizard until you have successfully exported the certificate.  Now we will import the certificate into the trusted root store.

Expand the ‘Trusted Root Certification Authorities’ tree and right click on ‘Certificates’


From the context menu select ‘All Tasks…’ then ‘Import…’ and navigate to where you saved the ‘RootCert’ and import the certificate by completing the Wizard.

Now you should be able to go back to your Server Certificate in the Personal Store and see that there are no problems with the Certificate (leave this dialog up for the next step):


The final step here is to get thumbprint hash for use in the next section.

Click on the ‘Details’ tab, and scroll down to the ‘Thumbprint’ Field in the dialog and click on it.  Then sweep out the numbers below with your mouse (don’t miss any) and copy those numbers with the Ctrl+C key combination.


Open notepad and paste these numbers into it for use in the next step.


Supplemental note:

If you have IIS installed, I like the SSL Diagnostics tool instead of Makecert: Instructions for generating the certificate are in the help file for this tool.  Once you run this tool it creates a temporary certificate and installs it in the local computer Trusted Root Authorities Certificate store for you!

Configure the machine to use a Certificate

Finally you need to configure the machine to associate the certificate you just created, with the port and ip address that the HttpListener is listening on for https requests.

UPDATE: For Vista and above you will use the netsh http commands listed here and NOT httpcfg.exe:

You need to obtain httpcfg.exe to do this next step.  Search Technet for the latest version of this tool for your OS.  For example, XP SP2 tools have it (Note: this is an optional component for XP so you will need to do a COMPLETE install to get this tool):

You will need to run httpcfg from the command line and supply the Thumbprint hash you obtained in the previous section but you need to remove the spaces between the numbers.  In my example I removed the spaces and the hash is: f4bb35424190e006e5476e97430c5b8136ee5da5

This is the httpcfg command I ran to associate the cert for all IP addresses associated with my machine and port 8081 (/i

C:\Program Files\Support Tools>httpcfg set ssl /i /h f4bb35424190e006e5476e97430c5b8136ee5da5

UPDATE: For Vista and above, you need to generate a guid first. From the VS prompt you used above to generate the certificate you can type: guidgen.exe. Then hit the copy button to copy the newly created GUID. Paste this into Notepad along with your hash. You will want the first part of the text (for example: {FCB0C645-E745-490F-9E7D-2171E03DC9B0}) for the next step. Now use this netsh command: netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=f4bb35424190e006e5476e97430c5b8136ee5da5 appid={FCB0C645-E745-490F-9E7D-2171E03DC9B0}

When you run this you will see the result: HttpSetServiceConfiguration completed with 0.

Now double check the SSL bindings for this computer:

C:\Program Files\Support Tools>httpcfg query ssl
    IP                      :
    Hash                    : f4bb35424190e0 6e5476e9743 c5b8136ee5da5
    Guid                    : {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
    CertStoreName           : (null)
    CertCheckMode           : 0
    RevocationFreshnessTime : 0
    UrlRetrievalTimeout     : 0
    SslCtlIdentifier        : (null)
    SslCtlStoreName         : (null)
    Flags                   : 0

 UPDATE: For Vista and above the command is: netsh http show sslcert

You can verify that the IP shows up and the Hash you entered (note that weirdness where some of the 0 characters do not appear… I don’t know why that is).

Now you should be able to run the above Test application and hit the SSL Site using Internet Explorer.  In my case the URL is: https://jsan17708317:8081/listener/


If the app does not work, first verified you did each step above correctly (did not leave out something or some step).

Verify your certificate appears with the IP and Hash fields the correspond with what you are listening for and that the Hash is the hash you obtained previously for the certificate.

Check with httpcfg query ssl and see if there are other listeners that may conflict for that same port.  Delete conflicts with the command http delete ssl /i x.x.x.x:8081  (replace x.x.x.x with any IP address you see that are listening on the same port).

For Vista and above, ensure you are running your HttpListener code with Administrative privileges or you will not be able to register your machine name (you will get access denied or Error code 5 from unmanaged code).

Supplemental Information

This is a simple example.  You probably do not want to stop listening after you process one request.  You will need to provide a way to gracefully close the listener and handle the requests on worker threads.

You can specify a specific IP range in HttpCfg (search MSDN for HttpCfg syntax).  In my example you can use this to bind to the ip address
httpcfg set ssl /i /h f4bb35424190e006e5476e97430c5b8136ee5da5

You cannot listen for http and https traffic on the same port.


I hope this gets you started with your HttpListener project and will help you troubleshoot the initial setup of your code.  Please Drop me a note if you find this useful!


  • Anonymous
    April 20, 2010
    Greetings, Thank you for this useful article. After running the httpcfg set ssl command successfully, if you go to inetmgr, right click properties on the designated secure website then select the "Directory Security" tab, you will notice the "View Certificate..." button disabled while the binding is correctly set to the ip:port combination. Any idea to fix this issue would be appreciated.

  • Anonymous
    April 20, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 19, 2010
    Very helpful. Thank you for the guide!

  • Anonymous
    March 17, 2011
    Thanks Jeff :-)

  • Anonymous
    November 03, 2011
    Thanks for the great article. My question is how to use client authentication ? Do i need to change the code of listener ??? or any thing else need to be done ?? Please suggest

  • Anonymous
    November 03, 2011
    Could you please tell some thing about client authentication

  • Anonymous
    November 13, 2011
    Hi Dip, You can do client authentication: An HttpListener can require client authentication. You can either specify a particular scheme to use for authentication, or you can specify a delegate that determines the scheme to use. You must require some form of authentication to obtain information about the client's identity. For additional information, see the User, AuthenticationSchemes, and AuthenticationSchemeSelectorDelegate properties. -Jeff

  • Anonymous
    November 13, 2011
    @Client, see the above post

  • Anonymous
    December 14, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 14, 2011
    What are the prefixes and ports you are using for each?  The prefixes will determine who services the requests.  Are you terminating your prefixes with a slash (http://myserver:8080/home/"?

  • Anonymous
    November 16, 2014
    Hi Jeff, Thank you for this great article. It has solved many problems for me. It will a great help if you can help me with the following situation: We are using a small HTTPS web application for printing. Clients make a GET request to ip:port to print the labels. I have installed the SSL certificate using the process given above and it is working great. Now, I need to repeat the same process for multiple hosts within different network/ip addresses. Can I use a single SSL certificate for all the servers or do I need to create different certificates for different servers? Is the certificate tied to the ip address of the host on which I create it. Do I need to use the same steps mentioned above?

  • Anonymous
    November 16, 2014
    Hi Lokesh, https needs to verify the computer is the computer you are talking to so yes, you need a certificate for each one.  If you don't want to take advantage of the security of SSL, you may want to reconsider using SSL for your app.