Dela via

Recursive Upload from Disk to Azure Storage

  • 2016 Aug 15 - Updated to work with latest C# libs

using System;

using System.IO;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage;

using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob;



namespace UploadToStorage


    class Program


        const string StorageAccountConnectionString= "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=[your account];AccountKey=[your key]";

        const string RootContainerName="servetest";

        const string startingFolder= @"C:\[your path]";


        static System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollectionlog = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection();

        static Int64 folderCount = 0;

        static Int64 fileCount = 0;

        static CloudStorageAccount storageAccount;

        static CloudBlobClient blobClient;

        static CloudBlobContainer rootContainer;


        static void Main(string[] args)


            //open the storage account

            storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(StorageAccountConnectionString);


            //create a blob client

            blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();


            //get a reference to the container which we’ll use to  create the blob

            rootContainer = blobClient.GetContainerReference(RootContainerName);


            //get the DirectoryInfo for thestarting local folder that will be recursed

            DirectoryInfo rootDir = new DirectoryInfo(startingFolder);


            //get started

            WalkDirectoryTree(rootDir, rootContainer);


            // Write out all the files that could not be processed.

            Console.WriteLine("Files with restrictedaccess:");


            foreach (string s in log)





            // Keep the console window open in debug mode.

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key");





        //Co-opted initially from

        //modified for azure upload and parallel processing


        private static void WalkDirectoryTree(System.IO.DirectoryInfo currentPath,CloudBlobContainer cloudContainer)


            System.IO.FileInfo[]files = null;

            System.IO.DirectoryInfo[]subDirs = null;


            string pathFromRoot= currentPath.FullName.Substring(startingFolder.Length);


            //replace the slashes in order to transition from local filenamepath to Azure Storage Blob name

            string cloudFileNamePathPrefix= pathFromRoot.Replace(@"\", @"/");


            //fixup terminal character if there is a non-empty path

            //If we’re at the root then we don’t need an end delimiter, butif we are we do

           cloudFileNamePathPrefix = cloudFileNamePathPrefix.Length== 0 ? "" : cloudFileNamePathPrefix + "/";


            if (cloudFileNamePathPrefix.Length> 0)


                if (cloudFileNamePathPrefix.Substring(0,1).Equals("/")) { cloudFileNamePathPrefix = cloudFileNamePathPrefix.Substring(1); }




            Console.WriteLine("Processing folder " + currentPath.FullName);


            // First, process all the files directly under this folder



                files = currentPath.GetFiles("*.*");


            // This is thrown if even one of the files requires permissionsgreater

            // than the application provides.

            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)


                // This code just writes out the message and continues to recurse.



            catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException e)





            //setting up to as manys as 5 foldersand 10 files per folder working in upload at a time

            //adjust according to bandwidth

            var fileParallelOptions = new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism= 10 };

            var folderParallelOptions = new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism= 5 };


            if (files !=null)


                //build blob name prefix based on delta of root folder path tocurrent path

                Parallel.ForEach(files, fileParallelOptions, currentFileInfo =>


                    //just keeping a count of files



                    //construct new filename for cloud

                    //inlcudes path information from theroot

                    string cloudFilename= cloudFileNamePathPrefix + currentFileInfo.Name;

                    //string cloudFilename = currentFileInfo.Name;



                        var blobRef = rootContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(cloudFilename);

                        //if exists, don’t upload

                        //if uploading to an empty location, this could be refactoredand skip the check

                        if (!blobRef.Exists())


//upload blob

blobRef.OpenWrite(null, null, null);

// Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Uploading {0} as { 1} ", currentFileInfo.Name, cloudFilename));


                            //FileMode refers to access on localfile not azure blob

blobRef.UploadFromFile(currentFileInfo.FullName,null, null, null);//, null);

Console.WriteLine("Upload Complete for " + cloudFilename) ;



                    catch (Exception ex)


                        //TODO:  Log error



               );  //end Parallel.ForEach(Files...


                // Now find all the subdirectories under this directory.

                subDirs = currentPath.GetDirectories();

                Parallel.ForEach(subDirs, folderParallelOptions,currentDirInfo =>



                    //check for matching folder in container, create if not present

                    // Resursive call for eachsubdirectory.

                    WalkDirectoryTree(currentDirInfo, cloudContainer);





            } //end if (files != null)


            Console.WriteLine("Processing complete forfolder " + currentPath.FullName);

            Console.WriteLine("Processed {0} folders and{1} files ", folderCount,fileCount);








  • Anonymous
    May 10, 2015
    This saved me a lot of time!  Thanks!