Dela via

How I stand up a new MDT environment, Part 5

Step 4.  Task Sequences

So now with Operating Systems and Applications added to the console, it’s time to add a Task Sequence or three…


I always give my Task Sequences an ID of a number.  You can use anything, but I like the numeric relevance, and its easier to type if you end up specifying a TS later…

Anyway, fill in the wizard already!  Smile


This is a “Standard Client Task Sequence”


Pick an Operating System…


No point in specifying a product key, we’re going to sysprep this image…


None of these fields really matter, this is for the reference image, and our specifications on the Deploy side will overwrite this stuff…


Doesn’t matter what local admin is, again, we’re sysprepping this and everything will be overwritten by Deployment…


Next, Finish, and done!


But that was just creating the TS, not modifying it, which is much more interesting.  But, time to get the kids to bed first…