Dela via

Time to start blogging

It has finally happened; I'm officially a blogger. Well, I'm sort of a blogger. Can't say I'm a blogger until I actually post something other than a starting message. But at least I've made it this far.


I've been reading blogs for a while now, but I've been way to scared to write my own. The Internet is filled with trolls and I assume that as soon as I write something stupid they will show up in droves. Oh well, time to ignore that threat and get to posting.


I'm doing this as a request from my boss (JeffChri) to help me learn to communicate a bit better, but really I'm doing this for myself. I'm hoping that talking (mostly to myself) about the stuff I'm working on will help me get a better understanding of it. Normally this works, so I should get a lot out of blogging.


Now, hopefully the stuff I write about will be worth while to someone else.