Dela via

The WDF team needs your help in ensuring compatibility

You might know that the Windows Driver
Framework team is working on the next version of WDF, version 1.9, and
planning to release it with Windows 7.

Windows 7 will have this new version of framework built in.
However, we will also provide a redistributable coinstaller so that you
can install this framework on downlevel operating system with latest
service packs. We have added several new features to:

a) Further simplify driver development.

b) Make it easier to debug & diagnose failures during development and also in the field after deployment.

c) Reduce CPU utilization and memory footprint.

d) Enable the use of the framework in certain new technologies.

e) Fixed numerous bugs to harden the framework to handle edge conditions - in particular run down scenarios.

So we have put in lot of effort to make driver and driver writing
experience better. The presentation "What's new in WDF 1.9" that we
gave in WinHEC 2008 (
has more details on the work we did.

How can you help us?

Based on our telemetry, we know there is a large number (over 1000) of
framework drivers of all versions (1.1, 1.5, 1.7) written and released
public. In order to make sure that these drivers continue to work
on Windows 7, and even on downlevel OSes - if a new device brings in
the latest
framework - we request you to test your drivers with framework version
1.9 and make sure it's fully functional. We have put an extraordinary
effort to maintain compatibility but when you have such a large
eco-system, we will not be able to cover every possible scenario.

We made a very successful transition from 1.5 to 1.7 with
absolutely no compatibility issues and we would like to ensure that we
repeat that success and keep you all happy.

So please take some time and try out the new version. You can get
the 1.9 version from Windows 7 beta WDK. Information on how to get the
WDK is given on this page

We are also putting together a small lab with some devices to do
compatibility testing on our own. We are in need of more devices that
framework drivers. So if you have released a device that we can
buy from a store and use it in our lab, please send me the description.

You can post your feedback here or email to ( Remove the word 'discussion' from the email

Thank you,

On behalf of the WDF team - Microsoft