John Craddock Dublin Event: Building End-to-End Infrastructure Security
I'm delighted to announce that I'm bringing John Craddock and Sally Storey back to Dublin to host an event on End-to-End Infrastructure Security on February 15th in the new Griffith College Conference Centre.
For further details and registration please go to the registration page here. I'd advise you to register ASAP as I know from experience that this one will fill up very fast.
Like many IT professionals, you’ve probably attended security seminars and sessions over the years and gained an appreciation of the various security technologies available. But when, where and how these technologies can and should be leveraged can often be confusing.
Infrastructure security is frequently only considered once server roles and network connectivity has been implemented, a problem made worse by inadequate training. When security technologies are not deployed until late in a project, the result can be poor implementation, weak documentation and compliance testing.
08:45-09:15 Registration & Light Breakfast
09:15-09:30 TechNet Update
09:30-11:00 Is Your IT Infrastructure Secure?
11:00-11:15 Break
11:15-12:45 Securing Your Network
12:45-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:45 Locking Down Servers and Workstations
14:45-15:00 Break
15:00-16:15 Vista Technologies
Topics covered:
Identifying business assets
Threat modeling
Security policy and response planning
Deploying IPSec for domain and server isolation
Building rules and filters
Identifying protocol and port requirements
Firewall configurations
Managing server roles and lockdown policies
Patch management and compliance testing
Creating Software Restriction Policies (SRP)
Least privileged user access
Establishing client security and software policy
Client and server attack vectors
Managing through group policies
Network Access Protection (NAP)
Vista security enhancements
John Craddock has designed and implemented computing systems ranging from embedded high-speed industrial controllers through to distributed IT solutions. John works as a consultant providing services to industry leaders including Microsoft. He was a key player in the Government Gateway Project, has designed high-availability web portals and help companies build Active Directory solutions to support their business critical environments. In addition to his role as a consultant, he has written over 20 technical training courses that have been published worldwide. He co-authored 'Investigating and Managing Objects and Attributes for Microsoft Windows 2000 and Microsoft Windows Server 2003' which is part of the Active Directory Forestry series. John lectures internationally and has written and presented technical sessions at MTB, MEC, Tech•Ed, Microsoft IT Forum, JDP and deployment conferences.
Sally Storey has worked in management and consulting in the IT industry for Novell, Microsoft and now, independently. Sally works as a consultant on enterprise infrastructure projects in operations, logistics and deployment roles. Sally is ITIL qualified and specializes in building process that keep systems highly available and secure. Sally co-authored the Active Directory® Forestry series with John Craddock.