Dela via

A new roadtrip audio CD for Vista and Office 12 developers?

We're at the early planning stages for a new "roadtrip" audio CD (see this link for the current one). I'd appreciate any views on whether this will be useful. Our thinking at the moment is this:

- We'll cover Vista (well, WinFX really) and Office 12 from a developer point of view

- So topics might include WPF, WCF, WWF, VS2005, Expressions products, Cider, maybe some Orcas; and VSTO 2005, O12 file formats, O12 "ribbon" extensibility, Infopath 12, etc

- We might also cover VSTS to coincide with TFS release

- We'll keep the same format as the current CD, and make it available for download as before, the idea being that you'll listen to this on your journey to/from work to get a general overview of these technologies with pointers to where you can get deeper info.

Feel free to let me know if this would be useful, whether the topics will be of interest etc. Thanks.