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Erro ao adicionar driver x86 em servidor x64:




Erro ao adicionar driver x86 num servidor x64:

Qual é o problema?

Ao tentar instalar drivers adicionais (x86) no servidor de impressão Windows 2008 R2 x68 ele apresenta a seguinte mensagem de erro: "The folder you specified doesn't contain a compatible software driver for your device. If the folder contains a driver, make sure it is designed to work with Windows for x64-based systems." essa mensagem aparece para qualquer driver x86 que se tenta adicionar no servidor.


Windows Server 2008 /2008 R2,

- Logon to an x86 Windows XP/… machine with an account which is an admin.

- Connect to the print server using the UNC path \\PrintServer

- You will see the printers and faxes folder among others

- Open the Printers and Faxes folder

- Go to File--> server properties -> Drivers tab and do an Add driver

- Select Have Disk and point it to the driver location to install the driver on the x64 bit print server.

