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Como Instalar Network Load Balancing (NLB) em Windows Server 2008 R2:


Este post ira descrever varias maneiars de instalar o NLB

Actualmente existem 34 maneiras para fazer isto:

1. Server Manger UI

2. Command Prompt using dism.exe. 

3. PowerShell  using CMDlets for ServerManager

4. Unattended installs

Neste tópico irei mencionar apenas os passos através de dism.exe e PowerShell que são novos em w2k8 R2.

Command Prompt Using DISM

To install NLB on Windows Server 2008 R2 Full Installation

1. Open  an elevated command prompt and run > dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetworkLoadBalancingFullServer

2. If you want to install the management tools only run > dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetworkLoadBalancingManagementClient

Install NLB on Windows Server 2008 R2 Core Installation

1. Open  an elevated command prompt and run > dism /online /Enable-feature /featurename:NetworkLoadBalancingHeadlessServer

Note that you may need to launch a new command prompt with administrative privileges using the RunAs command.


By default, Server Core does not have management tools such as Nlbmgr.exe or PowerShell CMDlets installed, thus you may want to manage NLB from a remote server.  If you want to manage NLB on Server Core locally you must install PowerShell which will include cmdlets for NLB.  To install PowerShell in Server Core run the following commands.

1. From a command prompt, run > dism /online /Enable-feature /featurename:NetFx2-ServerCore  

Note that you may need to launch a new command prompt with administrative privileges using the RunAs command.

2. Then run > dism /online /Enable-feature /featurename:MicrosoftWindowsPowershell

3. If NLB is not installed, install NLB as described in the section above, ‘Install NLB on Windows Server 2008 R2 Core Installation’