Dela via

How to Drive a Standard Transmission Vehicle

This post is a result of being behind someone in a manual shift car yesterday who clearly had no idea how to drive it. 

Having been a driver instructor and driver examiner in the Canadian military for some time, perhaps I'm a little too hard nosed on this topic but....

If you are going to drive a vehicle with a standard transmission, that means you shift the gears yourself, then please, for the sake of your safety and everyone else on the road,  LEARN HOW TO DRIVE IT PROPERLY!

This is not a difficult task.  Everyone can learn it. 

Basically, when you are sitting at a light or stop sign or some other location where you are starting off from a stand-still, there is no legitimate excuse for allowing the vehicle to roll backward.  NONE!

There is this little concept known as a friction point.  That is where the clutch begins to engage.  Not the point where you stall the vehicle because you let it out too far with not enough accelerator and certainly not where the vehicle is all but in neutral, but just where the engine RPM drops a little bit.  Leave your right foot on the brake pedal.  You don't need it yet.

At this point, the vehicle will stay put.  It won't move forward, it won't move backward without acceleration.  This is what you need to learn to use.

When I taught driver training, the student could not move on to the road test portion until every start, on a steep hill, was made using the friction point and the vehicle did not move even and inch.

Here's a tip for you at traffic lights once you have mastered the friction point.  Watch the other light to see when it turns yellow.  That is your signal to put the vehicle in gear and engage the friction point.   You do put the transmission in neutral at traffic lights right????

Leave your foot on the brake at this time.  Then, when the light turns green for you, you are ready to ease the clutch out a little further with acceleration and you are off with no rolling back.  No panic, no revving of the engine.  A simple and straight forward start without compromising the safety of you and those behind you.




  • Anonymous
    September 23, 2007
    Thanks, Gerry. I was never taught that manuever, in part because I'm mostly self-taught on the manual transmission front. I always used my parking brake to obtain a similar effect with the car pulling forward before I release the brake. Regardless, I completely agree that it is bad form to roll backward. Bad Bad Bad form. Cheers, David

  • Anonymous
    September 24, 2007
    Hey David. Glad to hear it will help out.  At least I've reached one person!  :-)

  • Anonymous
    November 01, 2007
    "You do put the transmission in neutral at traffic lights right????" While you can put the transmission in neutral at a light you really shouldn't and is not a correct practice and will also wear your clutch quicker.   Let off the gas, push in the clutch when the engine starts to labor, come to a stop and throw the car back into first with the clutch depressed, then when the light goes yellow start letting it back out.  In my opinion taking the vehicle out of gear and into neutral is lazy and I can't believe as an instructor you teach your students to do this.

  • Anonymous
    November 01, 2007
    "You do put the transmission in neutral at traffic lights right????" While you can put the transmission in neutral at a light you really shouldn't and is not a correct practice and will also wear your clutch quicker.   Let off the gas, push in the clutch when the engine starts to labor, come to a stop and throw the car back into first with the clutch depressed, then when the light goes yellow start letting it back out.  In my opinion taking the vehicle out of gear and into neutral is lazy and I can't believe as an instructor you teach your students to do this.

  • Anonymous
    November 09, 2007
    Just getting back to this now so I will offer my explanation as to why I teach that. When you are sitting at an intersection such as a red light, it is correct procedure place the transmission in neutral and release the clutch.  How you determine that it wears out the clutch is not apparent to me.   Nor is it apparent to me how you think that is lazy.   At any rate, the rationale for it is this.  If you are stopped at a red light and you have the vehicle in gear with the clutch depressed, you are facing the potential of causing a more serious accident than otherwise might not happen. The reason is simple.  If you are struck from behind by another car, the way the body reacts to this impact typically results in your left leg actually releasing the clutch due to the jarring that takes place from the rear end impact.   When you do this, and the car is in first gear, you have just increased your chances of launching your vehicle into the intersection, where you will most certainly be hit by another car again. This is information that is based on studies.  I don't have the data to show you as it was a part of the driver training in the Canadian military. Gerry

  • Anonymous
    December 07, 2007
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  • Anonymous
    December 08, 2007
    Hey Trevor. I guess it's one of those things that just comes from bad habit forming at the outset. I've always been a believer in forming good, correct habits from the beginning that will follow you through life. I haven't always been able to do that but I certainly try as much as possible. I take the same stance when teaching students computer programming. There is likely more of an issue with people not "knowing" about this then there is of people not "wanting" to drive this way.  I'm sure there are lots of people driving standard transmission cars that hate rolling back too, they were just never taught how "not" to do it. Gerry

  • Anonymous
    March 17, 2008
    I remember being told years ago was that if you are struck from behind your foot would most likely fly off the clutch causing the car to stall which would actually prevent you being pushed into the intersection.   I actually learned to drive standard on my driver non-trade course years ago but don't remember if that's where I learned this. I'm currently teaching my teenage son to drive standard so I'd appreciate knowing the current philosophy Thanks ~ Ruth

  • Anonymous
    March 17, 2008
    Hi Ruth. If you were sitting at an intersection and just let the clutch out, yes, the vehicle would stall. However, it you are sitting at an intersection and you are struck from behind, the vehicle is now moving forward and anytime the vehicle is moving, you can release the clutch and the engine will not stall. Now, you could argue that the brake is applied but, your foot will come off the brake as well so the engine won't stall. My son is 15 so I will also be teaching him to drive.  Rest assured that he will learn this way. Gerry

  • Anonymous
    April 23, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    April 23, 2008
    It won't wreck your clutch but it will cause premature wear on the gears.  When there is still pressure on the gears, as there will be in the way he is taking the car out of gear, then you will cause wear on the metal. Pushing in the clutch release this pressure and makes it easier for the gears to unmesh. Truck drivers, of the 18 wheeler class, will often shift without using the clutch.  They have learned to do this through experience and knowing when the least amount of resistance is on the gears.  Most mechanics who work on transimissions will tell you that those who use the clutch, are in the transmission repair shop a lot less. Gerry

  • Anonymous
    May 03, 2008
    OK, so I just bought my first manual car, after 7 years of driving an automatic.  I was thinking it would be much more fun (and eventually more economical) than it has turned out to be. While I realize that I'm getting better at the stop-start-go, I still have serious anxiety while out in traffic.  I'm feeling very prohibited by my lack of skills, and my inconsistency with the tricky things (like hills).  I Do I need to have my foot on the gas when downshifting is complete -- it seems that riding it out leaves me with that brutal "lurch", kind of like my stomach is going to propel right through the windshield. I can't imagine this is being kind to my new car. Now I've entered the financing contract, thus I'm stuck with this car I had hoped to love, but kind of despise. Do you have any advice to speed up my skills and confidence?

  • Anonymous
    May 04, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    May 21, 2008
    Hi Gerry, Ive been reading your comments, and I find them very helpful. Im just learning how to drive a standard and Im finding that its not as easy as I thought it would be at first.  I find that at intersections, especially 4 way stops. I try to be quick and end up stalling, or I find I roll back. therefore I try and get in gear quickly and again stall. Its fustrating because I dont want to hold people up, but then again I don`t want to drive in a hurry, ( car lurching) Any helpful advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    May 21, 2008
    Hi Chris. Most people do go through the same thing.  It's a little bit of panic, a little bit of anxiety plus other factors all rolled into one. Here's my advice. Watch the traffic lights.  As soon as you see the light for the cross traffic turn yellow, put the vehicle in gear and bring the clutch out to the friction point and hold.  Don't take your foot off the break yet.  You should feel the car want to move a little bit but don't let the clutch out any further or the car will stall. You are now ready for when the light changes green because all you have to do is a little bit of accelerator pedal and ease the clutch out for your start. When you are surprised by the light, it will cause a small panic situation as you said, you want to move without holding up traffic but you don't want to start too quick and stall. Being prepared for the take off is all important.  Once you get used to it, it will be second nature. Even in an automatic, I find myself checking the cross traffic lights so I know when they will change. Gerry

  • Anonymous
    May 23, 2008
    Hey, You seem to really know what you're talking about. I have issues with reversing, I find that I either stall, or speed backwards. Do I leave the clutch in a bit as I'm reversing and a little bit of gas, then break, or should I release the clutch and just break. I'm getting most other things okay, but I still don't quite understand the reverse dynamics. Thanks alot speedy reverser kate

  • Anonymous
    May 23, 2008
    Hi Kate, One of the things that I have noticed with vehicle is that the reverse gear has a different ratio than the any of the forward gears. What this means is that most vehicles I have driven allow you to use the clutch in reverse without requiring any throttle.  That means that you can "feather" the clutch to reduce the speed during back up.   It requires you to keep your foot on the break or accelerator, depending on your speed, but if your car allows it, you can hit the friction point on the clutch, release the brake and slowly let the clutch out a little at a time until you have acheived your desired back up speed.  Feathering means that you push the clutch back in a little or let it out a little more to maintain the speed you want. Again, this is all done with subtle and slow movements.  Nothing too fast, or you will stall the vehicle. Hope that helps. Gerry

  • Anonymous
    June 02, 2008
    Thank you so much for your lesson! Ive been driving an automatic forever and am learning to drive a manual at he moment. I have mastered most things except the rolling backwards on a hill thing` hopefully now with your lesson I can do it! Again Thank you!

  • Anonymous
    June 05, 2008
    Hey, I have also been told about the clutch start on a hill - finding the friction point then pressing the accelerator, but some people think this wears out the clutch? Is this true? My isntructor told me it doesnt because its only a slow start and you only have trouble if you do burnouts etc. What do you think?  Does it wear the clutch out?

  • Anonymous
    June 05, 2008
    Hey, I have also been told about the clutch start on a hill - finding the friction point then pressing the accelerator, but some people think this wears out the clutch? Is this true? My isntructor told me it doesnt because its only a slow start and you only have trouble if you do burnouts etc. What do you think?  Does it wear the clutch out? EDIT - Could you please reply to this comment, as I forgot to put email notification on my previous one.

  • Anonymous
    June 06, 2008
    Hi bond21, The answer to that question is that no and yes, at the same time.  In order to understand why, you need to understand how the clutch works. It is basically a set of friction plates and springs.  The friction plates are made up of steel and the same kind of material that a brake pad is made of. When you have the clutch pedal fully release, that means the clutch is fully engaged.  At this point in time, the springs are applying their maximum pressure to hold the friction plates together and cause the whole assembly to turn. This is what provides the power from the engine to the transmission and finally to the rear wheels, but I think you know that part already. So, when the clutch is fully engaged, the pressure will prevent the friction plates from slipping.  This doesn't mean that there isn't some wear taking place on these plates.   Eventually, all clutches need replacing anyway. When you reach the friction point, the clutch is not fully engaged and this means that the engine side is still spinning but the transmissions side is not, however, the two sides are now in contact.  Does mean you are wearing out the clutch due to friction and the rubbing action?  A tiny little bit but, it is not significant enough to affect the lifetime of your clutch.  Remember, you are only doing this very briefly.  You should never sit at a red light with the clutch at the friction point.  Only just before you start off. Here's a tip for you.  If you smell a bad odor when using your clutch, you are causing problems and premature wear.  it is known as burning the clutch and trust me, you will know what I mean when it happens. You would basically need to hold the clutch at the friction point and apply lots of accelerator to cause some major slipping in order to do that. Hope that helps to clear it up. Gerry

  • Anonymous
    June 06, 2008
    hi gerry, thank you for posting this. you have explained driving a standard in a clear manner. i was just wodnering, i have heard different comments on what you should do when parking the car. do you 1) leave it in neutral with the e-brake on of course or do you 2) leave it in a gear (1st or reverse?) and the e-brake on. Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    June 07, 2008
    Hi Beekay, Glad the explanations are helpful. As for parking a vehicle that has a manual transmission, you should always leave the transmission in either 1st gear or reverse with the e-brake on. The recommendation has always been explained that the lower gear ratio of 1st or reverse is best for helping prevent the vehicle from moving should the e-brake be accidentally released. NOTE: I have not verified that claim but I have also never had a vehicle run away on me when placed in either of these two gears and no e-brake on. The transmission should never be left in neutral when parking and leaving a car unattended or with children in it.  You should also never leave a manual transmission car parked and unattended without the e-brake on regardless. Gerry

  • Anonymous
    June 09, 2008
    I appreciate all the advice and help you have given us. I am doing ok with the starting and stopping, my problem now is driving in traffic and knowing what gear to put it in when slowing down and starting back up. I understand I will have to downshift at times but the question is what gear...2nd? I have found when people are slowing down to turn into a parking lot, I have to slow down but not stop completely...what gear?? This is why I'm really nervous about driving in traffic. Please help!!! I'd appreciate either a response on here or an email. Thank you so much!!!!

  • Anonymous
    June 09, 2008
    Hi Melissa, The gear you need to be in is closely related to the speed you are travelling at.  For starters, take note of the speed you are going when you shift up.  That is a good indicator of the speed at which your vehicle would be in a particular gear. For example, let's say that you are in first gear and shift to second when you are doing 15 mph, that basically means that anything below 15 would require you to be in first gear. Each car can be different so it's important for you to do that exercise at least once to learn your gear to speed values. Now, when slowing down, I personally like to downshift one gear at a time using that the engine compression and braking to slow down.  Saves wear on your brakes and also means that you are likely to be in the correct gear when you start to accelerate again. Hope that helps. Gerry

  • Anonymous
    July 02, 2008
    Hi Gerry, All of ur advice has been very helpful as I have just started to learn how to drive a standard vehicle.... My question is this though, in relation 2 changing gears, I was told that I would know wen to change dem wen i feel like the vehicle is losing power... but i have read dat u need 2 change them at 15 mph have I been given the wrong instruction? Thank u in advance for ur response...!

  • Anonymous
    July 03, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    July 07, 2008
    Hello, i just bought a brand new 2009 toyota corolla that is standard!!! I bought an automatic but it was taking too long to build so i choose the standard since it was on the lot. Ok so the one question is.. when im parked on a minor hil(parking lot in my backyard.... is it alright to use my e-brake to back so i dont roll foward or will it burn up the e-brake lines and wear the f out my brakes? And also lol can i have some pointers since i have only just learned last week?

  • Anonymous
    July 08, 2008
    Hi Brad, Using the e-brake is never a good idea in this context.  The e-brake is meant for parking and emergency stopping only.  Using it in the way you are thinking causes you to have bad habits and becomes and unnecessary crutch to learning properly. The best tips I can offer are as follows;

  1. Because starting off is the most troublesome for most people, spend some time away from traffic practicing the clutch and accelerator coordination including starting on inclines.  This way, you have a few less things to distract you until you get the motions and friction point down.
  2. Be comfortable enough with the above so as not to "panic" at lights or on hills when cars are around you.
  3. Always be prepared for what is required next.  For example, I see a lot of people get "surprised" by the light change and then scramble to put the car in gear and get the clutch out to the friction point etc.  Watch the lights periodically and learn to anticipate the change.  When you see the other traffic's light change to yellow, put the car in gear and ease the clutch to the friction point.  You are now ready to accelerate when the light turns green.
  4. Look through the posts in this thread for other tips but always remember, your motions on the clutch should always be smooth and fluid.  No jerky movements or fast shifting.  It only serves to make the ride rough and causes damage to clutch and transmission. Gerry
  • Anonymous
    July 08, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    July 08, 2008
    People always comment to me that a standard is more fuel efficient than an automatic but when i drive my standard it seems to have around the same mpg as other cars. I feel that my mpg is affected by the way I drive and could be increased. Can you give me a few tips on how to drive fuel efficiently in a manual or why they get better mpg? thanks

  • Anonymous
    July 08, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    July 08, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    July 12, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    July 12, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    July 20, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    July 21, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    September 04, 2008
    Hello Gerry! I have driven a manual transmission for a number of years and often wonder if my shifting is the most efficient. Can you give us experienced "stick shifters" any advice for more efficient fuel economy and less wear on our transmissions? Thanks! CONNIE

  • Anonymous
    September 05, 2008
    Hi Connie, Manual transmission vehicles are supposed to be more fuel efficient than automatics but I'm not certain I've seen any conclusive evidence of that. However, I have found that watching your speeds when shifting up and down are the best methods of keeping your fuel economy the lowest it can be. For example, if you shift at or slightly before the indicator found on some cars, you will achieve a better fuel economy then if you allow the engine RPMs to go much higher before shifting. Basically, the more aggressive you are on the accelerator, the more fuel you will burn. Gerry

  • Anonymous
    September 17, 2008
    i already know how to start the car and move it off.  What i want to know is how to stop it when it is already in motion? if i am moving i third gear for example, do i have to downshift to stop or just press the brakes?

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    October 14, 2008
    Hello Gerry,    I have a question about turning in my standard car. Should I hold in the clutch while turning in second gear    or do I not have to hold in it at all? I'm just wondering if the clutch would burn out quicker. I have the tendency to press the clutch in when turning in first or second gear because I fear the car will stall. So I guess my question to you is this the correct way?

  • Anonymous
    October 16, 2008
    Hi Rob, A lot of people feel the same way.  It just feels like the car will stall for sure. You should not have to depress the clutch in turns as the car will be going fast enough around the corner to avoid stalling, provided you are in the proper gear. Here's how to know when the car will stall. Go to a parking lot, preferably vacant, or a road or street with little to no traffic.  Place the car in first gear and start off until you are cruising at a speed that doesn't require you to shift up, let the car slow down, pressing the brake if needed, but don't touch the clutch.  Let the car stall.   Do this a few times in 1st and 2nd gear, the most common gear you will be in when turning.  This will give a good feel for when the car will stall.  Then, use that when driving.  You will get a sense for when you need to depress the clutch and when you are ok. Gerry

  • Anonymous
    December 13, 2008
    Hi Gerry, You have given a lot of good advice.  I just bought a brand new manual trans car and I have not driven one for years (previously was a truck, easier).  On the highway or backing up is not a problem for me, but I am struggling w/ first.  I can back up in my car w/ no gas, just feathering the clutch.  Does that mean i can apply the same mechanics in 1st?  Because my accelerator in an 09 camry is real sensitive and I've read everywhere that the no-gas method is best at first, however I hate stalling especially on a hill.  A couple times already I have given too much gas w/ the clutch halfway out and there's that dreaded awful smell... am I already killing the clutch?  And also in heavy traffic where its stop and go in 1st is it harmful to feather the clutch constantly cuz I really don't want to be all over it unless absolutely necessary.  Thanks for your help!

  • Anonymous
    December 13, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    January 03, 2009
    I have driven standard transmission for years and am now teaching my son to drive my husbands 5 speed jeep. My husband is teaching him to take car out of gear when slowing down and coast to a stop in neutral. I had been taught and have always used the practice of gearing down. My husband says that gearing down causes premature wear on the clutch. I would like my son to learn the correct and safe way to drive. Can you tell me which way is better?

  • Anonymous
    January 03, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    January 10, 2009
    My husband hasn't driven a standard for many years and doesn't enjoy driving it.  He has a tendency to skip 4th gear and goes directly from 3rd to 5th, sometimes before he has attained the proper speed for shifting to 5th. Is he doing any damage to the gears by doing this.  I have heard it is necessary to double clutch when skipping a gear.  What are the facts?

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2009
    Hi Yvonne, Believe it or not, there is no damage being done to the gears or transmission.  It is harder on the drive train as a whole due to the fact that there is more strain put on everything when the proper gear is not selected, but it won't make any noticeable difference over the life of the car. Double clutching should never be necessary in a car.  The transmissions in cars today use synchronizers to ensure that the gears are in the correct position meshing when shifting. Double clutching is a carry-over from larger trucks.  It basically allows you to keep the transmission and engine spinning at the same rate of speed before the gears are changed.   When you depress the clutch and shift out of gear, there is a slight delay before you shift into the next gear and the engine and transmission may not be at the same speed again.  The double clutching reengages the clutch and allows the pressure plates and input shaft on the tranmsission to get to the same speed as the engine. It is not required on a car at all. Gerry

  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    January 17, 2009
    Hi Andy, For your first question, the answer depends on your car.  In other words, is it a 4 speed, a 5 speed etc.  Normally, for highway speeds, 60 MPH/100 KMH or greater, you will be in the highest gear to reduce engine RPM and maximize fuel economy. For question 2, I always recommend using down shifting through each gear, when possible, to aid in slowing down and reducing wear on the brakes.  Note that I said when possible.  What I mean by this is simple, if you need to stop quickly and you are in a higher gear, I recommend not downshifting but using your brakes to stop.  You only need to depress the clutch a little before your vehicle stalls or you come to a complete stop. I recommend the brakes only for a quick stop to help reduce confusion and workload during a potential emergency situation. Gerry

  • Anonymous
    March 11, 2009
    I have been driving a standard now for about six weeks and I have been hating it. I take round about ways, to avoid traffic and I do not go to places because I am stressed about stalling. I have learned alot from your forum and I am applying alot of these rules tommorow. I am good with everything except for the starting (at a stop sign or traffic light). I was never told to have the clutch at a friction point. I always had it fully depressed and when I go, I stall. That is probably why I am stalling and feeling stupid. Thank-you, and I will post back and let you know if I am a non-staller (which hopefully I am).

  • Anonymous
    March 12, 2009
    Hi Kari, I've taught many people who hated a standard transmission at first too.   Once you become comfortable with the techniques I mention and you master them, you won't hate it any longer.  Driving a car with a stick is actually quite nice as you have more control over your speed, your shifting and you get a better feel for the way the car is driving, in my opinion. Keep at it and let us know how are are doing. Gerry

  • Anonymous
    March 24, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    March 25, 2009
    Hi again Kara, First of all, congratulations on mastering the starting and stopping.  I'm sure you are enjoying your car more as a result. For hills, you need to practice one simple little maneuver and you will never roll backward again.  It was actually watching people roll back that prompted me to start this post in the first place. When I was teaching in the Canadian military, it was mandatory that they students drivers were able to start on an incline with no rolling back whatsoever.  Here is what we did for instruction and practice. We used a non-busy road with an incline.  Had the student pull over to the side of the road and stop.  Then start off, drive far enought to shift at least one if not two gears on the incline, stop and do it all over again. Here's the trick.  When stopped on an incline that you are facing up, because facing down is not a problem, you keep your foot on the brake.  Slowly raise the clutch pedal until you get to the friction point.  You'll know where that is because you can hear the engine RPM start to drop a little.  Don't come out too far and stall the car, just enough to get the feeling like the car almost wants to move forward. Once you are there, slowly release the brake to see if the car stays in one place, if not, you will need to ease the clutch out just a tiny bit further.  Now, you don't want to do this when driving, this is just for practice to get a feel for the friction point. When driving, and the real practice part, ease the clutch out to the friction point and then move your foot from brake to accelerator and slowly accelerate and ease the clutch out more.  You will start off with no rolling back at all if you get the clutch set just right. NOTE: If you are at a red light on an incline, don't put the clutch at the friction point while sitting there.  Watch the opposing traffic's lights.  When you see the light turn yellow, you know it's time to find your friction point and be ready to go for when your light turns green. I know you can do it. Have fun, and let us know how you make out. Gerry

  • Anonymous
    April 20, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    April 20, 2009
    Hi Devin, Although I am Canadian, from Atlantic Canada actually, I live and work in the state of Washington in the US at the moment. I used to love teaching when I was in the Canadian military.  My own son who is 16, is going through driver training with me now.  I put him in a defensive driving school for insurance purposes but the remaining hours he is in the vehicle with me. We have an automatic so I don't get to teach him all the little things about driving a standard but if you have any questions, ask away.  I'll be glad to help, from a distance.  :-) Oh, and, keep up the practice.  You'll be proficient in no time and look back on this and wonder what all the fuss was about. Just remember, smooth movements. Gerry

  • Anonymous
    July 07, 2009
    Hi Gerry: Well, my clutch is finally starting to go. I was speaking to my trusty mechanic earlier today and he has confirmed the situation that I am presently facing--a situation that I have but all too often read about on the Internet--and I understand that, while there are ways to delay the inevitable (i.e., not driving my car, finding ways to used the clutch less, etc) there is (at least) one way to get around the inevitable. What I am speaking about is what I have heard people talk about on occasion: shifting without clutching. Would you be able to explain how to go about starting from 1st gear and getting to 5th gear without using the clutch (in the event that my clutch goes before I can get it to a mechanic and do not want to pay towing fees)? If it is too hard to explain via such means, do you know of any good external posts or infomation on websites that could direct me through this process?

  • Anonymous
    July 07, 2009
    Hi Shawn, Sorry to hear that your clutch is going bad. As for shifting without a clutch, it's not typically something I recommend for cars.  Larger trucks, such as tractor trailer and such, have proper synchromesh transmissions that allow the transmission to be shifted without a clutch. Your transmission will still have synchronizers in it but shifting without using the clutch is a bit tricky.   Basically, you accelerate as normal and time the shift just as you are releasing the accelerator.  You have to get the timing right or the car will still be in gear and the pressure applied by the car's weight moving forward will make it hard to shift out of gear first.  DO NOT FORCE IT.  It should be a smooth shift. Once in neutral, simply shift into the next gear position.  Again DON'T FORCE IT. Oh and did I say, DON'T FORCE IT?  :-) Seriously, you can do far more damage to your transmission that you can imagine by doing this.  It's better to look at getting the clutch replaced as soon as possible. Oh and down shifting without a clutch?  Not recommended at all. Gerry

  • Anonymous
    July 08, 2009
    Hey Gerry: Thank you for your response. I am going to avoid clutchless shifting; however, for the time being, any tips on preserving the life of my clutch until I can get it serviced? I am picking up the kit today and having it installed by my mechanic on Monday the 13th? For example, should I use disc braking more for the time being relative to engine compression braking? Any other ideas (besides resorting to public transit)? Thank you for your input.

  • Anonymous
    July 08, 2009
    Hi again Shawn, Nothing special to do really.  Remember that clutch wear occurs mostly when the clutch is not fully released or fully engaged.  ie, when starting off and you are easing the clutch out. The more you hold the clutch in the intermediate position, the more it will wear. Also, don't accelerate too rapidly which can cause a worn clutch to slip more, resulting in more wear. Stay off the bus.  :-) Gerry

  • Anonymous
    July 16, 2009
    Hi Gerry, Just went through all your replies, extraordinarily helpful! I got this manual CRV, which I feel quite comfortable to drive now. But I have an issue of going into second gear. It seems it is HARDER than any other gear because no matter up or down shift, I always feel it is not as smooth as I am going into any other gear... I am trying to ease off the clutch more recently but I feel the car is losing power when I am doing it. Any comments? Thanks a lot! Ying

  • Anonymous
    July 18, 2009
    Hi Ying, Sorry for taking so long to answer your question. If you find that one gear is harder to shift into than others, I would suggest you have the transmission looked at. It sounds like the synchronizers in the transmission are going bad.  How old is the CRV? The last time this happened to me, was on a Ford Ranger 4x4.  I took it to the dealer three times complaining about the way it wouldn't shift into and out of 2nd gear correctly.  I told them it was the synchronizers.  They put it off until the warranty was up, saying that wasn't the problem.  When the bill came in for the repair job, because it got to the point where it would NOT go into 2nd at all, the first thing that was listed as bad and replace were the synchronizers. Needless to say, after I showed them the previous service requests where I indicated that was the problem, before the warrany ran out, they reversed the charges and covered it under warranty. Gerry

  • Anonymous
    July 20, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 22, 2009
    Hi Gerry, I started driving a standard about 6 months ago.  I taught myself by reading about it on the internet including your site which is fabulous.  I just read Ying's post about having trouble shifting into 2nd.  My transmission is brand new, 2 weeks after I got the car.  I seem to have trouble getting it into 1st and reverse sometimes.  Alot of times it's fine and usually goes in nice and smooth but every now and then (especially reverse) it takes a bit to get it in the right gear.  Do you think it could be the same problem as hers (synchronizer) or just inexperience? Thanks for your help. Julie

  • Anonymous
    July 22, 2009
    Hi Julie, If your car is brand new, I doubt that it would be a transmission problem.  Potentially it could be the clutch adjustment.  Especially since first and reverse are entered when the car is at a stop. If the clutch is not disengaging fully when you press it to the floor, this will cause the transmission to be hard to shift into first or reverse.  Not so noticeable when driving though. I would ask that you ensure you are indeed pressing the clutch all the way to the floor.  If so, and you notice it not getting any better or getting worse, then I would suggest a quick trip to the dealership and have them verify the clutch adjustment. Gerry

  • Anonymous
    July 23, 2009
    Hi Gerry, I just bought a new vehicle it is a standard, after driving automatic for all of my driving career, The most problems I have it stopping and going I tend to stall the vehicle everytime :( Please tell me how I can learn not to do this ....... and what is an easier method to overcome this? Thanks ~Vanessa

  • Anonymous
    July 23, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 23, 2009
    Thanks so much Gerry.  It wasn't a new car, just a new car for me.  The clutch is what they replaced so I will have them take a quick look at it where I got it fixed.   Thanks again, Julie

  • Anonymous
    November 23, 2009
    Hi. I have had my licence for 3 years now, but am really nervous when getting behind the far i have driven only twice. I find it difficult to drop down gears when i am turning, and i have this habit of looking at my gears before i can change them. i would really love to drive and not depend on others. I am so jealous when i see my sis-in-law driving and she just got her license and is younger than me. I am also scared of stalling and other drivers shouting at me. please help as it is the holiday period and i would like to do stuff on my own without having to bother others. Thank you

  • Anonymous
    November 24, 2009
    Hi Ronelle, First of all, when it comes to turns, you should never be down-shifting in a turn.  For turns, you need to adjust your entry speed correctly before entering the turn.  Then, you either maintain or slowly accelerate in the turn to the completion. Now, as for lookng at the gears, that is usually a matter of comfort.  Here is what I recommend.  With the car parked and not running, practice shifting without looking.  Resist the tempation to look down.   You will feel the pattern in your hand and arm and you will develop muscle memory for the shifting pattern.  You will also learn to know which gear you are in by the position of your arm. Practicing in this manner takes all other factors out of the picture, such as traffic etc. and allows you to concentrate on the shift patterns.  It will become second nature, trust me, and you will be driving and shifting without even thinking about it. Let me know how you make out. Gerry

  • Anonymous
    January 20, 2010
    Hey Gerry, When approaching a stop is it bad to go from 2nd gear to neutral and coast to a stop? If so, should I just stop in 2nd and then go back to first when I want to go again? Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    January 21, 2010
    HI Shawn, Coasting, in some locations, is considered illegal.  Not 100% certain it applies here however, whenever possible, use engine compression to slow you down and to help save wear on the brakes. Leaving the transmission in gear, especially lower gears when coming to a stop, helps you slow down and requires less braking, hence less wear on the brake pads. Personally, I don't like coasting and always taught my students to never do it. Gerry