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Game Words 777

Game Development for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8

My first game with Cocos2D JS

In the following days there is a good chance that I will mention a lot the Windows Game Cocos...

Author: hielo777 Date: 04/09/2015

Mi primer juego con Cocos2D JS

En los próximos días es muy probable que me escuchen hablando del Windows Game Cocos...

Author: hielo777 Date: 04/07/2015

We had a busy week, like always, and the Easter got our minds away from the Tech news. So, in case...

Author: hielo777 Date: 04/05/2015

10 Minutes with Construct 2: Useful Tricks II

New video in my series 10 Minutes with Construct 2. Today I will show you how to use the animations...

Author: hielo777 Date: 04/04/2015

10 Minutes with Construct 2: Useful Tricks I

A new video in my series 10 Minutes with Construct 2. This video will help you to maximize the use...

Author: hielo777 Date: 04/03/2015

10 Minutes with Construct 2: Arrays and Textboxes

This is the English version of my previous post 10 Minutos con Construct 2: Arreglos y cuadros de...

Author: hielo777 Date: 04/01/2015

10 Minutos con Construct 2: Trucos II

Para empezar el fin de semana un poco más de mi serie 10 Minutos con Construct 2. En este...

Author: hielo777 Date: 03/27/2015

10 Minutos con Construct 2: Trucos I

Hoy un poco más de mi serie 10 Minutos con Construct 2. En este video explico uno de los...

Author: hielo777 Date: 03/26/2015

10 Minutos con Construct 2: Arreglos y cuadros de texto

Hoy he vuelto a la serie de 10 Minutos con Construct 2. En el video que quiero compartir estoy...

Author: hielo777 Date: 03/21/2015

Bring the games and win big!

If you are a game developer this is the perfect time to check our contests and offers. GameOn Takes...

Author: hielo777 Date: 02/03/2015

10 Minutes with Construct 2: Sharing Elements between Projects

Continuing the 10 Mins series, today I bring you this new video that shows how to copy elements...

Author: hielo777 Date: 11/22/2014

10 Minutos con Construct 2: Aceleración y Variables

Continuando con mi ejemplo de La Caída, les traigo un nuevo video en la serie de 10 Mins con...

Author: hielo777 Date: 11/07/2014

10 Minutes with Construct 2: Spawning Points

I have been creating some short videos in the last few days to cover different aspects of game...

Author: hielo777 Date: 11/03/2014

10 Minutos con Construct 2

Hoy les traigo un par de cortos videos de desarrollo de juegos con Construct 2. Los dos videos...

Author: hielo777 Date: 11/01/2014

Alien Halloween: New game and Video

As you may have seen, I have tried to share my game templates with you. The entire purpose of this...

Author: hielo777 Date: 10/29/2014

FREE Game Templates in Construct 2

Hello guys, I have been creating several game templates that should help you to get a faster and...

Author: hielo777 Date: 09/25/2014

Rogue Alien

Hello guys, Before I had the chance to join the Hack GT event, I was trying to publish my latest...

Author: hielo777 Date: 09/20/2014

HackGT 36 hours to achieve greatness

Ok guys, we have been at Georgia Tech since yesterday being part of this awesome hackathon: Hack GT...

Author: hielo777 Date: 09/20/2014

After some days off I am back with renewed energy and lots of news, of course. Now is the time to...

Author: hielo777 Date: 08/15/2014

Construct 2 Game Development by Example: A review

Intro As you may already know, I am a great fan of Construct 2. It is not only a great tool for 2D...

Author: hielo777 Date: 08/04/2014

Here we are again, the summer moves along and the news and articles keep coming. So, let's get to...

Author: hielo777 Date: 07/25/2014

I have been away for a few days of summer vacation, but do not despair, the news links will keep...

Author: hielo777 Date: 07/20/2014

Local Games: Matchingo

A couple of days ago I had the distinctive pleasure to talk with Roger Peters, a local developer...

Author: hielo777 Date: 07/11/2014

Today I have many Windows Phone links, and please do not forget to check my previous post that...

Author: hielo777 Date: 06/28/2014

Summer Game Jam and

Videogames are the perfect way to relax, to forget about your daily issues and just have a good time...

Author: hielo777 Date: 06/26/2014

Weekend News

If you are looking for obscure news that keep you entertained during this weekend, look no further,...

Author: hielo777 Date: 05/17/2014

Middle Georgia State College Holds Gaming Workshop

Yesterday I had the opportunity to go to the Middle Georgia State College to have a full day...

Author: hielo777 Date: 04/18/2014

We are still trying to process all the information we got at BUILD, but new announcements and cool...

Author: hielo777 Date: 04/12/2014

You may have been paying attention this week to BUILD, the coolest Microsoft year conference for...

Author: hielo777 Date: 04/04/2014

To end the month with a high note, I am writing this post in the fist break of the Global Azure...

Author: hielo777 Date: 03/29/2014

Links, links, links. This may be all you need to have some fun on your weekend. Or at least you can...

Author: hielo777 Date: 03/16/2014

And we are back! Lots of announcements were made during the last week in the middle of the heat of...

Author: hielo777 Date: 03/01/2014

Get the Spotlight on your Windows Phone games

Today I am quite happy because my game, Alien Love, got to be on the spotlight in the Windows Phone...

Author: hielo777 Date: 02/25/2014

Alien Love for your Valentine's

To continue the Valentine's trend of my games today I give you: Alien Love. This game was created...

Author: hielo777 Date: 02/11/2014

The second month of the year is already here! And before I go on a short company trip I better share...

Author: hielo777 Date: 02/01/2014

To continue my small tradition to bring you interesting links during the weekend I offer you this...

Author: hielo777 Date: 01/26/2014

Political Tracker Interview Chronicles

Political Tracker had a not so difficult choice when they tried to set their awesome infrastructure....

Author: hielo777 Date: 01/23/2014

These links got delayed, the joys of losing track of time. But you can start your week with a nice...

Author: hielo777 Date: 01/20/2014

Construct 2 Personal License sale

If you have been following my blog you should know that I have dedicated a lot of my time on...

Author: hielo777 Date: 01/17/2014

Tainted Love

To be able to publish well in advance a game related with Valentine's I pushed myself to finish...

Author: hielo777 Date: 01/16/2014

Doodle Bombs

Finally I have submitted a new game this year: Doodle Bombs It is a simple game to get warmed up and...

Author: hielo777 Date: 01/14/2014

It is that time of the week. I will share some cool links with you about tecnology and Microsoft in...

Author: hielo777 Date: 01/11/2014

Let's start the new year with a good note and some cool links to keep you occupied during the rest...

Author: hielo777 Date: 01/05/2014

Crea tu propio juego de Navidad

Hace un par de días publiqué la versión en Inglés de mi video para crear...

Author: hielo777 Date: 01/02/2014

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