Dela via

Breaking News on the Daylight Saving Time issue!

Breaking News at 9:55am PDT!

Hehe, not really that important, I suppose. But can you tell it interests me?

Someone (thanks Robert) pointed me to this article: (and this associated update as well:

So, the compromise appears to be that we’re going to switch daylight saving time by adding ONE extra month (four weeks), not two months. So it’ll start two weeks earlier (middle of March) and end two weeks later (first week in November).

It all seems a bit silly and complicated to me. I wonder why don’t we just switch to DST year round. And call it Standard Time. And just be done with it.

Heck, I’d even go so far as to say we should ditch timezones outright. Why not just do everything on GMT. I wouldn’t mind waking up at 11pm and going to bed at 2pm, it’s no different than I do it today; we just translate the time for some reason.

It also makes me wonder why they don’t have “date-zones” for the southern hemisphere. Doesn’t it seem strange that they celebrate christmas in the middle of their summer! Maybe they should shift their calendar months by 6 months so it “makes more sense” and for “parity with timezone behavior”. That would be pretty silly, wouldn’t it…

Anyway, according to the articles, principle concerns around the extra month were related to farmers’ concerns, school plans, Jewish prayer schedules, and international flight arrangements. One benefit of the extended ending of DST is that now Halloween will be under DST so it will stay light “later” while kids are trick-or-treating…