Dela via

Windows Vista/Server2008/ Server2008R2 환경에서 성능 카운터를 Rebuild 하는 방법

?? ?? ???? ?? ?? ??? ??? ???? ????? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???

??? ??? ????.

??? ?? : ??

??? ?? : Perflib

??? ID : 1008 ?? ?? ID

Windows 2000/XP/2003 ????? Base OS? ?? ????? Rebuild ?? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????.

How to manually rebuild Performance Counter Library values

??, exctrlst.exe ?? ???? ????? Enable/Disable ? ? ?????.

Windows 2000 Resource Kit Tool : Extensible Performance Counter List (exctrlst.exe)

Windows Vista / Server2008 ?? ? ?? ????? ??? ???? ?? ?? Command ? ???? ??? ? ????.

1. ??? ???? CMD ? ?????.


2. ?? ??? “C:\Windows\system32” ????? ?????.


3. ?? ??? ????Rebuild ??? ???? ?? ?? ?????Backup_Original.INI? ?? ? ?????.


   C:\Windows\System32> LodCtr.exe /S:Backup_Original.INI


   C:\Windows\System32> LodCtr.exe /R:PerfStringBackup.INI


4. ?? ?? ?? ???? ? ???? ????? ???? ?????.

?? : LodCtr.exe ?? ?? ???

C:\>lodctr.exe /?

Updates registry values related to performance counters.

INI-FileName is the name of the initialization file that contains the counter name
definitions and explain text for an extensible counter DLL.

    LODCTR /S:<Backup-FileName>
save the current perf registry strings and info to <Backup-FileName>

    LODCTR /R:<Backup-FileName>
restore the perf registry strings and info using <Backup-FileName>

rebuild the perf registry strings and info from scratch based on the current
registry settings and backup INI files.

    LODCTR /T:<Service-Name>
set the performance counter service as trusted.

    LODCTR /E:<Service-Name>
enable the performance counter service.

    LODCTR /D:<Service-Name>
disable the performance counter service.


    LODCTR /Q:<Service-Name>
query the performance counter service information, either query all or specified one.

    LODCTR /M:<Counter-Manifest>
install Windows Vista performance counter provider definition XML file to system repository.