Dela via

Windows Server 2008 RODC에서 SYSVOL 복제의 동작방식 차이의 이해

???? : Understanding the behavior differences of SYSVOL replication in Windows Server 2008 RODCs

?????? ??(Ned)???. ?? ? DFSR? FRS? ?????? ????, ?? ???? ???. :)

??? Windows Server 2008? ???? ??? ????(RODC)? SYSVOL ??? ?? ???? ???? ??? ????. ?? FRS? DFSR? ???. ??? ??? ?? ??? 2008? ??? FRS? ?????? ? ??? ???? ?? ?????.

???? ??, ??? ?? ????? ??.

RODC(Read-Only DC) - ???? ??? ???? (Windows Server 2008?? ??)

RWDC(Writable DC) – ?? ??? ??? ???? (Windows 2000 Server?? ??)

FRS(File Replication Service) - ?? ?? ??? (Windows 2000 Server?? ??)

DFSR(Distributed File System Replication) - ?? ?? ??? ?? (Windows Server 2003 R2?? ??)

SYSVOL ?? ???? RODC?? FRS ????

FRS? ???? ??, ??? ?? ?? ???? ???? ? ????? ??? ???? ?????. RODC? ???? ???? ?? ??? ???? ??? ??? ???? ??? ????? ?, ??? ??? ???. FRS? ??? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??, ??? DC??? ?? ??? ??????.

l ??/??? ?????, ?????, ?? ???? RWDC?? RODC? ?????.

l ??/??? ?????, ?????, ?? ???? RODC?? RWDC? ???? ????.

l RODC? SYSVOL?? ?? ????? ?? ?? ??? ??(upstream)?? ??????? ????(inbound) ??? ??????.

(?? ????)

1. SYSVOL? ?? ???? ?? ??? ????? 2?? ??? ???? ????.

2. RODC?? ???? 'my stuff'?? ??? ?????.

3. ?? ?? ??? ???? ???? ???? registry.pol ??? ?????.

4. ?? ???? ???? ?? ?? gpttmpl.inf ??? ?????.


5. 'my stuff'?? ??? RODC?? ????? RWDC?? ?????, ???? ????, RWDC?? ????, ??? ?? ????.

6. registry.pol ??? RWDC? ?????? RODC? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???? ????.

7. gpttmpl.inf ??? RWDC? ?????? RODC? ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ?? ????.

??? ? ?? ???, FRS? ???? RODC SYSVOL ??? ???? ?? ???? ???? ???? ????. ?????, FRS? ???? ??? ???. (Windows Server 2008 ?? ???? DFSGUI.MSC? ??? ?????)

SYSVOL ?? ???? RODC?? DFSR ????

DFSR? RODC? ?? ??? ???? ??? ?????.

l ??/??? ?????, ?????, ?? ???? RWDC?? RODC? ?????.

l ??/??? ?????, ?????, ?? ???? RODC?? RWDC? ???? ????.

l RODC? SYSVOL?? ?? ????? DFSR ???? ?? ?? ??????. (?? ??, ?? ??? ?????, RWDC? ??????? ???? ??????.)

(?? ????)

1. SYSVOL? ?? ???? ?? ??? ????? 2?? ??? ???? ????.

2. RODC?? ???? 'some goo'?? ??? ?????.

3. ?? ?? ??? ???? ??? ??? ???? ?????.

4. ?? ???? ???? ?? ?? gpt.inf ??? ?????.


5. 'some goo' ??? ?? ?????.

6. ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???? ??? ?? ?????.

7. ???? ?? gpt.ini ??? ??? ???? ??? ?? ?????.

?? ????, DFSR-??? SYSVOL ??? ?????. (Windows Server 2008 ??? ?? ???? ????)

?? : Windows Server 2008 R2? ?? ???? ?? DFSR? ??? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ? ??? ???. ??? ?????...

- Ned “My First Born Was Named USN Journal” Pyle