Dela via

Windows 2003 터미널 서비스 세션에서 Copy & Paste가 불규칙적으로 동작하지 않는 현상

Windows 2003 ??? ??? ???? Local Client? ?? Local Client?? Windows 2003 ??? ??? ???? copy & paste? ???? ?? ??? ????? ??? ? ????. ? ?? ??? ???? ???? Windows?? Clipboard? ??? ????? ?? ?? ????? ???? ? ??? ????. Clipboard ??? ??? ?? ??? Clipboard viewer chain ? ??? ????. Clipboard viewer chain?? local clipboard? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ?? ??????. ?, Clipboard viewer chain? ??? ?? ???? ?? clipboard? ?? ??? ??? ????? ?? ???. ???, ??? Windows clipboard chain ?? ???? ?? ??? ?? ??? ????. Clipboard viewer chain? OS ???? ?? application ?? ??? control?? ????? ??? ????. ?, Clipboard viewer chain? ??? application?? Clipboard ? ????? ???? ??? ??? ?? ??? ? ??? ????. 

“?? ????? Clipboard ? ???? ??? ?? ?, ??? ? ?? viewer?? ?? ??”

?? ??, ?? ???? Clipboard viewer ??? ?? 4?? application? ???? ?? ??,

A -> B -> C -> D (RDPCLIP.exe)

Clipboard? update? ????, ???? ??? viewer? A ?? ?????? Clipboard ?? ???? ???? ???. A?? ????? Clipboard ???? ?? ?, ? ?? ??? B ?? ?????? ?? ??? ????. ??, B ?? ????? Clipboard ???? ?? ?? ?, ? ?? viewer? C ?? ?????? ???? ???? ???. ??, C ?? ????? D?? ?????? Clipboard ???? ???? ???. ?? ??, A, B, C? ??? ?? ??????, D ? ??? ??? ???? Clipboard ??? ???? RDPCLIP.exe ?? ? ? ????.

? ???? C ?? ????? Clipboard viewer chain ?? ?? ???? ? ??, ???? ??? ??? ?? clipboard chain? ???? ??? ???.

A -> B -> D (RDPCLIP.exe)

???, ?? ??? C ?? ????? ??????, ?? ? ?? Clipboard viewer chain ? C ?? ???? ??? ??? ?? ???, Clipboard viewer chain? ??? ??, ??? ??? ??? local client?? copy & paste? ???? ?? ?? ??? ??? ? ????. ????, clipboard ???? ???? ?? B ?? ????? C ?? ?????? ???? ???? ???, C ?? ????? ?? ??? ???? ?????.

A -> B -> C -> D (RDPCLIP.exe)

??, C ?? ????? ??????, Clipboard viewer chain ? C ?? ???? ??? ?? ?? ? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ? ????? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?????.

Clipboard ???? ?? ?????, ?? ? ???? ??? ?? ??????? ???? ???. (?? ?? ??? ???? ??? ??? ?????.) ???, ??? ?? RDPCLIP.exe? Clipboard ???? ???? ?? ?? ???? C? clipboard chain???? ????? ?? clipbaord? ?????, ???? ???. ? ??, ?? ???? C? Clipboard chain? ??? ??? ?? ????, ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ???? ??, ?? ???? C? ???? ??, ?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ? ?? ???.

1. App C in the remote session opens the clipboard.

2. App C in the remote session copies data to the clipboard.

3. App C in the remote session closes the clipboard.

4. RDPCLIP is notified that the clipboard has been updated.

5. RDPCLIP opens the clipboard to enumerate through the data types.

6. RDPCLIP begins to enumerate through the data types.

7. App C in the remote session tries to open the clipboard.

8. RDPCLIP finishes enumerating through the data types.

9. App C in the remote session fails to open the clipboard.

10. RDPCLIP closes the clipboard.

?? ??? ??? ????? ?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ???? C? ?? ?? ???? ?? ?? ??? ???? ?? ????. ?? ??? ??? ??? ? ?? Timing ?? (Racing Condition)? ????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ?? ????.

????? ?? ???, ? ??? Clipboard viewer chain? ?? ?? ??????? ??? ???? ???. ??, Windows ? Clipboard ?? ????? ?? ????? ???? ??? ?? ? ??? Clipboard ??? ?? ??? ??? Windows Clipboard ?? ????? ?? ?? ?? ?? ????. ?? ??????? ???????? ? ??? ??? ?? ????? ? ??? ?? ??? ??????, ?? ??? hot fix ??? ??? ??? ? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???? ?? ???? ??? hot fix? ??? ?????, ?? ??? Windows??? ???? ????? ???????. ??, Windows 2008 ??? Windows Vista ?????? ???? ??, ?? ????? ?? ???? Clipboard? ?? ????? Windows? ?? ???? ????? ?????, ??? ?? ?? ???? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????.

[ ?? ??]

Why does my shared clipboard not work? (Part 1)

Why does my shared clipboard not work? (Part 2)


Windows 2003 ?? / Windows XP ????? ???? ? ?? ??? ??? ??, ?? ??? ??? ? ?? ???, Client?? RDP ??? disconnect ? ?? connect? ? ????. ? ??, ??? Clipboard viewer chain ? RDPCLIP.exe? ?? ???? ??? Clipboard? ?? ??? ? ?? ???. ?? Windows 2008 Server? Windows Vista? ?????? ? ??, Clipboard ?? ????? ???? ?? ????? ?? Clipboard viewer chain? ?? ??? ??? ? ????.