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One UML Amigo endorses Microsoft tool

講到 Modeling, 以往大家第一個會想到 UML, 而對 UML 的歷史有點認識的話, 一定會知道所謂的 "Three Amigos". 然而 Modeling 演變至今, UML 已不在是大家唯一的選擇. 軟體開發的流程更是百家爭鳴. Three Amigos 之一, Ivar Jacobson, 創立的顧問公司, Ivar Jacobson Consulting, 最近宣布加入 Microsoft Visual Studio Industry Partner program (VSIP) 計畫. 從以下的報導裏, 我們或許可以了解這位可稱為 RUP 和 UML 之父的大師人物對軟體開發方法及流程的一些看法及他對微軟新的開發工具及方法論的態度:,289142,sid8_gci1145656,00.html


  • Anonymous
    April 18, 2007
    Hi, well to comment on Ivar Jacobsons notion of UML support in VSTS 2005: He postulates an even more ligthweight version, but my personal impression is, that the UML support in VSTS is not sufficient. O.K., a lot of tools like Rose/XDE/Sparx etc. let the newbies drown, when it comes to setting up relation specific properties for associations, realizations an so on. But, hey that's the real life of modelling... With best regards, Ralf Steinstraesser