Dela via

October 2018 ACS Update – Extension available until Feb 4, 2019

The previously communicated date of Nov 7, 2018 for deprecation of ACS has pushed out if you apply for an extension. The new deadline for migrating off of ACS onto SAS is Feb 4, 2019 if you follow the request for extension process copied below.

We're offering an extension until February 4, 2019 for customers who will require extra time to complete their migration with updated Terms of Use. If you choose not to opt into the extension, your namespace will be turned off on November 7, 2018. At that point, all requests to the namespace will fail.

To request an extension, follow these steps:

  1. Determine your namespace.
  2. Go to the Access Control management portal for your specific namespace: https://<namespace>
  3. In the banner at the top of the page, click Read Terms then click Request Extension. After the extension request has been registered, the page should refresh with a new banner at the top.

If you have questions, please contact us.


The solution for workflow approvals is available now. The documentation for the remaining components has been posted as of October 8th, but the app updates are still in progress. You can review the setup requirements and begin environment setup and configuration in advance of the app updates becoming available. We expect those final app updates to be published in the next few weeks.


Updated Mobile Connector using SAS documentation