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February 2019 Release – Dynamics AX2012 R3 update

The Feb’19 release for Dynamics AX 2012 R3 version is now available in LCS on the updates tile inside your R3 project. This update represents a typical collection of smaller functional improvements and technical fixes.  Bugs were fixed in all areas with enhancements found in Warehouse & Transportation, Master planning, Service Management, BI and Reporting, Procurement, Sales, Client, Server, SI, Project Accounting, Inventory, Retail, Invoicing and Payments, Regulatory Reporting, Dimensions, Reports, Payroll, Public Sector, Project management, Timesheets, Workflow, Production, Server, Cash and Expense, Tax updates. Please see the full list of hotfixes below to search for your specific issue newly included in this release. This release is intended to give visibility into fixes recently shipped for R3, including some features and design changes that are newly released in this quarter.

NOTE: This will be the last blog for this site that is scheduled to retire in March.

Here are a few details related to this release:

  • Primary Build: 6.3.6000.8149
  • Number of Application hotfixes: 246
  • Number of Binary hotfixes: 32

Details of the install process can be found here:

What is included in this month’s release?

Known Issues: -

Bug ID Area Issue LCS Link
3979549 DAXSE\SCM\Inventory Receive transfer order failed with error “Quantity xxx cannot be received because inventory transactions with status Registered are insufficient” after apply fix of KB4487498 Link to download Hotfix
3979591 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting [China] Description on the General Ledger inquiry report is incorrectly printed as "Opening Balance". Link to download hotfix

Design Change Requests

KB Details Description of issue or change request Description of enhancement
KB­­­_4490125 Tax recalculated for retail transactions when posting Statement after installing Hot fix KB#4471211 The issue arises when user change the Tax code in AX after the POS transaction and while posting system reads the Tax code from AX hence the difference in tax code and tax amount.We have fixed the posting method where system keep track of all the tax code submitted and after statement posting checks each tax posted with the POS tax code. All the different tax code posting is flagged and details about them are written in event viewer or logs for user to see.
KB­_4477597 Sales invoice payment posting in method of payment ledger account Sales invoice payment posting in method of payment ledger account. This fix would also need application (X++) KB:4477599
KB_ 4054026 The system allows customer creation without RTS The changes in the hotfix will address creating customer when RTS is down.There is a Binary fix KB #4054029, that needs to be applied.
KB_ 4476720 Germany: VAT declaration in XML format creation without transferring to ELSTER - AX 2012 R3 The changes in the hotfix make it possible to generate VAT declaration in the new format suitable for sending via ERIC (ELSTER Rich Client).
KB_ 4486637 XBRL Taxonomy update NT13 in Netherlands for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 The changes in the hotfix will resolve the issue by having the New format of electronic reporting files is required for ICP (EU Sales list) and OB (VAT declaration) in accordance to the XBRL taxonomy version NT13.
KB­_ 4470864 Norway - EHF electronic invoice update to format 3.0 After installing the hotfix, please extract from AOT resources and store in the appropriate location the following transformations files:• "eSalesInvoice_NO_OIOUBL.xsl" - for Sales invoices;• "eProjectInvoice_NO_OIOUBL.xsl" - for Project invoices.
KB_ 4471543 Italy - Electronic invoices for private companies (import of vendors e-invoices). The hotfix enables the possibility of the import of vendor invoices from FatturaPA version 1.2 XML files.For more details about the system settings required for vendor invoices import please refer to KB4471543.
KB_ 4478786 SG - RegF - Singaporean tax changes 2019 (including invoice layout and reporting for customer accounting) - Ax6.3 The changes in the hotfix contain a solution for setting up reverse charge rules for sales tax code and reflecting related information in customer invoice and tax and base amounts in the respective boxes of the GST report.For details, please refer to KBArticle4478786
KB_ 4482494 Russia - Changes in a printable format of 2-NDFL report for year 2019 The hotfix enables a new simplified layout of printable format for former "2-NDFL" report, enforced in year 2019 which is called now "The certificate of income and taxes", generated on-demand, per employees requests.This report is available for printing from "Employees" and "Income Tax" forms as "2-NDFL" and not available from "Income tax register" form
KB_ 4483152 RU - RegF - Correcting facture for advance payment (AP/AR) - AX6.3 Creation of corrective facture to advance facture, for payment in 2019 year of VAT amount to 20% for advances of 2018 year
KB_ 4485084 JP - DCR - Calculated depreciation amount and depreciation period is incorrect after splitting fixed asset [DAXE 3927009] - 6.3 The calculation of beginning balance amount and date of last depreciation (calculated period) are correct after splitting a fixed asset both in depreciation profile and depreciation proposal:- when fixed asset splitting in the period immediately after changing the method of depreciation- when fixed asset splitting in the middle of depreciation period (different depreciation methods)
KB_ 4489299 Russia - Changes in the XML format of 2-NDFL report for year 2019 The hotfix enables a new XML format for "2-NDFL" report, enforced for the reporting period of year 2018.
KB_ 4489566 Russia - Changes in the SZV-STAZH report for year 2019 The hotfix enables a new format for "SZV-STAZH" report, enforced for the reporting period of year 2018.
KB_ 4480901 SPED Fiscal ICMS and IPI - Layout 013 SPED Fiscal general repro steps·        Navigate to Fiscal books > Setup > Tax statements > Sped Fiscal > Setup parameters > Open·        Select a fiscal establishment and select the version 1.12 and OK to confirm. Enable Block K and Export production orders in case of reporting production orders into sped fiscal statement.·        Click Fiscal books > Common > Booking period.·        Select an specific period and fiscal establishment.·        Click Sync to transfer all fiscal document and productions orders posted in the selected booking period ID·        Click Process inventory to view the inventory position in the selected booking period ID·        Click Tax statements -> SPED Fiscal to generate the sped fiscal file into the new layout.
KB_ 4486387 Sped EFD Contributions layout 004 and 005 New action has been introduced in Fiscal books to allow users to register tax base amount adjustments.
KB_ 4477659 FISCAL BOOKS (BRA) Incorrect Inventory Balances after run Inventory closing process in Block H for items with Production transactions After the application of this hotfix, navigate to Fiscal books and execute Sync and Process inventory again for February booking period to get the correct costs in block H.
KB_ 4469312 BE - RegF - Intrastat format changes from 2019 - AX6.3 The changes in the hotfix include the following:- Customer Tax Id and Country of origin are exported to new tags in Intrastat XML file for dispatches- Customer Tax Id is transferred to Intrastat journal in the following logic:- Tax registration number of type VAT Id from the delivery address, if exists, otherwise- Primary Tax registration number of type VAT Id for delivery country if exists, otherwise- Primary Tax registration number of type VAT Id.
KB_ 4477408 Brazil/BRA: NT2017.001 version 1.40 - GTIN validation for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 for Retail The update implements the changes introduced in NT2017.001 version 1.40 for GTIN validation in NF-e/NFC-e
KB_ 4487106 Austria/AUT: Changes in Kammerumlage 2019 (Purchase duty) Starting from 01Jan2019 the purchase duty (KU1) is to be paid not at a single rate (standard rate), but a degressive graduated tariff should be used for its calculationThe hotfix contains changes to support this regulatory update.

Fixes Released

KB Number Complete Feature Path Title
4471267 \AX Retail\Archive\Channels\Transactions\Discounts and Pricing Unbalanced TTS when applying Line discount Sales header and doing header2line update
4472693 \AX Retail\Solution\Call Center Applying “Summary Invoice” on more than 2 sales orders, incorrectly shows invoiced amount when using Customer Service Total option on Call Center
4484955 \AX Retail\Solution\Call Center\Other Payments Refunding onto 2 gift cards simultaneously creates a refund payment for first gift card only in a call center sales order
4477648 \AX Retail\Solution\Channel management Sales Tax Overrides View from different legal entity are getting duplicate in MPOS
4486629 \AX Retail\Solution\Channel management\Retail Stores MPOS Customer Edit Errors After Clicking "Back"
4489484 \AX Retail\Solution\Customers and loyalty\Customers and Groups Customers are still showing in EPOS search after deleting them from All customer forms.
4486254 \AX Retail\Solution\Extensibility\E-Commerce Extensibility Sales order attribute not being serialized
4487882 \AX Retail\Solution\Financials\Statement Posting System is picking the first journal with journal type as customer payment irrespective of the Journal assigned in Retail parameters
4468778 \AX Retail\Solution\Financials\Statement Posting Multiple blank retail statements created
4469442 \AX Retail\Solution\Financials\Statement Posting Blocked product not inserted to retail sales when it returned
4471211 \AX Retail\Solution\Financials\Statement Posting Taxes are recalculated when posting transactions created in POS, resulting in potential discrepancies when the AX-calculated and POS-collected tax amounts differ
4477510 \AX Retail\Solution\Inventory management\Replenishment When multiple Users perform Stock Count operations in EP, clicking on Refresh removes open Stock Count records
4483320 \AX Retail\Solution\Order management\Order Creation, Visibility and (Cross-Channel) Changes in Store or POS After applying last kernel, the MPOS cannot find item price for variants, if the variant barcode is scanned
4477599 \AX Retail\Solution\Order management\Processing Payments (Settlement) Deviations in the ledger voucher values when the total cost of the transactions is posted to the project estimate.
4477598 \AX Retail\Solution\Payment processing\Payment processing After applying latest Binary customer account deposit for customer order gives multiple errors on EPOS
4470252 \AX Retail\Solution\Security and authentication\MPOS Translation during the first logon "Retail Modern POS" causing performance issue
4489399 \AX Retail\Solution\Store operations and POS Service item quantity not updated for second info code
4466590 \AX Retail\Solution\Store operations and POS\Daily Operations ZIP code lookup not working - OUT OF MEMORY
4483024 \AX Retail\Solution\Store operations and POS\Gift cards Cannot void Gift Card
4484751 \AX Retail\Solution\Store operations and POS\Gift cards Incorrect rounding in MPOS for Change due amount when performing payment
3124310 \AX Retail\Solution\Store operations and POS\Infocodes PARENTLINENUM in RETAILTRANSACTIONINFOCODETRANS incorrect when info code is used for void payment
4488713 \AX Retail\Solution\Store operations and POS\Sales, Returns and Other Transactions EPOS search is throwing an error “Error converting data type nvarchar to bigint.”
4488270 \AX Retail\Solution\Store operations and POS\Sales, Returns and Other Transactions After applying KB4466590, the cashier cannot sell /return transactions on MPOS when the customer is tax exempt.
4488278 \AXL\Europe Localizations\Italy [Italy] AX2012R3 PA E-Invoice: the value of PrezzoUnitario field is wrong, this in case of invoice with zero price
4488298 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments CN-After KB4484598 the FA scarp voucher is wrong.
4488513 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments [Italy] AX2012R2 E-Invoice should handle the stamp information
4488299 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments Unable to cancel PDC for intercompany vendor transactions
4488011 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments [BRA] Issuance of return invoice with CST 49 and fiscal value 3, rejected by Sefaz. Rejection: 610: Total da NF differ do somatorio dos Valores compoe o valor Total da NF.
4477650 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments [Italy] AX2012R2 E-Invoice should handle the NATURA N1 for ExemptArt.15
4489283 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments IN: Special depreciation is not working as expected and depreciation proposal is incorrect with asset disposal.
4487131 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments [France] Fixed asset depreciation method RB/SL does not update remaining period when years is modified
4487906 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments Cash discount perc not initialized correctly on SO
4486656 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments CZ - Variable symbol is not transferred from Advance invoice to “Payment ID” field on Payment journal line
4489404 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments [Italy] AX2012R3 E-Invoice shows the customer's historical address, not the current one
4490579 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments [Italy] AX2012R3 E-Invoice shows the customer account information instead of the invoice
4491374 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments [Italy] AX2012R3 E-Invoice should handle the stamp information
4491787 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments Norway eInvoice (EHF) v. 3.0: Tax exempt number Scheme name attribute should not be present (UBL-DT-08)
4489423 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments [Italy] AX2012R2 E-Invoice does not aggregate the transactions using the Format invoice proposal function
4477649 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments [Italy] AX2009SP1 E-Invoice should handle the NATURA N1 for ExemptArt.15
4490013 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments NFe 4.00 NF-e: Rejection code 699 for Return invoice - PORT correction from KB4015009 and KB4089696 applied only for NFe version 3.10 to NFe 4.00
4490002 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments AX2012R3-Electronic invoice rounding amount as the quantity decimals are not shown correctly
4484598 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments CN - System is posting two wrong voucher lines at current layer for fixed assets disposal transaction
4484619 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments JP Loc Error ‘FormDataSource object not initialized’ when importing Payment calendar
4482832 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments PURCHASE COMPLEMENTARY INVOICE (BRA) Incorrect TypeofCTe for a Complementary related to CTe Model 57
4484623 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments RU - Unnecessary symbol in operation codes
4485060 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments [Italy] E-Invoice has missing information for cash discount
4477632 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments BRA - The values for the poverty fund have not been replaced when viewing the fiscal document and XML, where the sales tax = DIFAL.
4486079 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments ITA - Percentage of VAT is recalculated on XML EInvoice with decimals
4486265 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments JP Loc –Due date is calculated incorrectly when using the terms of payment with payment method = Cutoff day
4482215 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments [Italy] AX2012R3 E-Invoice has wrong information with header charges
4477641 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments [Italy] AX2012R3 E-invoice does not show the StabileOrganizzazione tags in Customer information
4477642 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments closed transaction editing reversal results in voucher not balanced
4479284 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments NFe  (BRA) Direct Import - Error 795 - The Total of ICMSDESON does not match to the sum-up from Item lines.
4479306 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments (BRA) VENDOR ELECTRONIC PAYMENT - When Return file is processed, the payment transactions are being transferred to a new Journal with the same Voucher.
4471203 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments Transfer Order (BRA) - Cancel shipping fiscal document, with inventory movement - WMS - Error: No lines for posting; Update has been canceled.
4470859 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments [Italy] AX2012R2 E-Invoice the description should be mandatory before the posting validation.
4471555 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments RU - Payroll - Average salary calculation issue
4471263 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments [Italy] AX2009SP1 E-Invoice the description should be mandatory before the posting validation.
4471264 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments [Italy] AX2012R3 E-Invoice the description should be mandatory before the posting validation.
4471545 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments Spanish einvoice : if we create free text invoice with quantity zero , the xml retrieves NaN amounts
4470858 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments Credit note for FA purchase from vendor with flag Price include sales tax
4470558 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments [Italy] AX2012R3 E-Invoice XML cannot be created if it has a document note attached
4477721 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments NFe  (BRA) Direct Import - Error 528 - ICMS amount does not match to the Basis amount x percentage.
4480546 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments\Fixed Assets Transfer assets to low value pool – deprecation book function can only transfer from the fixed assets with the 'Low value pool' deprecation method
4485064 \AXL\Invoicing and Payments\Fixed Assets JP-LOC-the acquisition amount is not correctly when "Reduction entry" is posted after acquisition fiscal year
4483369 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting PIS AND COFINS FIXED ASSET (BRA) - Incorrect base amount for PIS and COFINS in case the Purchase order for asset acquisition has Charges
4469800 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting Missing tax information in sales tax table and on VAT register reports for Poland
4477658 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting CN - General Ledger Inquiry amount is incorrect
4483356 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting RU - Empty corr. account in bank revaluation
4480508 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting FB - SPED Fiscal (BRA) - INV_MOV for Record C170 with invalid content in case the "Complementary fiscal document – tax" and "Complementary fiscal document – price" for purchase order.
4478765 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting SPED EFD Reinf (BRA) - Event R-2060 - the tag <tpAjuste> is considering all adjustment value for all Economic activities code.
4476071 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting FISCAL BOOK SPED Contributions (BRA) - INV_MOV for Record C170 with invalid content in case the "Complementary fiscal document – tax and price" for purchase order.
4471935 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting SII 2012R3 ImporteTransmisionInmueblesSujetoAIVA is always reported for sales and it should be reported only when we sell a property
4489572 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting [China]Internal Expense posting did not create voucher if the destination company is Chinese company
4490354 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting AUT sales tax payments: negative amounts in reporting code 017
4492171 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting Tags psc, naz_obce, ulice, c_pop, c_orient on EU Sales list are not correctly exported
4492605 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting Getting stack trace error while posting purchase order with: The company Ext does not error during update
4492387 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting Posting rejection of Advance report don’t update budget control statistics
4486400 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting SAF VAT sales and purchase register – not handling the overdue transactions.
4487404 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting Germany: Preview of the German Electronic tax declaration is blank in AX 2012 R3
4488516 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting TH - Purchase unrealized VAT remaining Report not updated with VAT transaction and VAT calculated incorrectly while processing "Reverse unrealized VAT" process with partial payment
4489055 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting Brazil/BRA: Incorrect ledger account for records A170 and 0500 Purchase and Sales Service invoices in SPED CONTRIBUICOES
4488910 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting\Financial Reporting [Belgium] posting journal Period of validity does not work
4486321 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting\GL accounting Error in foreign currency revaluation (RU) errors after installing KB 4477651
4477651 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting\GL accounting Error in foreign currency revaluation (RU)
4490694 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting\Inventory Reporting SAF Inventory – NaN value in tag <CenaJednPZ> and wrong filtering in second run.
4486309 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting\Statistical Reporting EU Sales list report and file is rounding amounts in a wrong way for Lithuanian companies
4471260 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting\Statistical Reporting AX 2009 Invalid German Intrastat XML file/ tag currency codes
4471942 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting\Statistical Reporting AX 2012 R2 Invalid German Intrastat XML file/ tag currency codes
4471943 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting\Statistical Reporting AX 2012 Invalid German Intrastat XML file/ tag currency codes
4478745 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting\Tax Reporting UK VAT report Box 5
4483892 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting\Tax Reporting Sales tax specification by ledger transaction report - Sales tax amounts are not displayed correctly.
4482521 \AXL\Regulatory Reporting\Tax Reporting\VAT Declarations [Italy] AX2012 R3 Italian Periodic VAT payment Communication does not show negative calculated amounts in XML
4473692 \AXL\Retail Deposit value is populated as zero when doing recall customer order is POS.
4481400 \AXL\Retail\SCM Cannot create a new product, using a shared template only on Russian company
4486326 \AXL\Retail\SCM GTD number dimension is not visible on the Inventory value report.   Clicking on any Owner or Inventory profile dimension displays a serial number form.
4488492 \AXL\Retail\SCM India/IND: Amount posted to GL differs from inventory transaction cost for stock transfer order shipment
4489050 \AXL\Tax IN-Proper Effects of Tax are not reflecting in Tax Inquiries when we post Tax journals
4487535 \AXL\Tax Sales tax code and sales tax amounts are not getting updated in ledger transaction list with project transactions after loading INDIA GST update 2 hotfix
4489047 \AXL\Tax IN: Filed ID ‘0’ does not in table “Currencycodemap' error while confirming the sales order.
4485924 \AXL\Tax Sales tax reconciliation report project transaction
4479055 \AXL\Tax IN-Unable to run withholding tax settlement when there is a vendor invoice reversal in customer environment.
4483023 \AXL\Tax IND – FA acquisition amount incorrectly posted to FA with GST and ‘Tax loaded on inventory’
4477647 \AXL\Tax Sales tax of the Quantity variance is wrong in the Sales tax general journal reconciliation report
4486377 \AXL\Tax TH-Customer Withholding tax does not consider “Amount exempted from Withhold invoice”
4488289 \AXL\Tax TaxRuntimeModelRow duplicate during sync when only change data model in tax configuration
4484630 \AXL\Tax [Belgium] purchase sales tax wrong based amount with actual tax amount is modified
4477653 \AXL\Tax Sales tax amount origin is wrong calculated in a general journal when exchange rate is changed manually in journal line
4482180 \AXL\Tax Performance issue for bank journal posting.
4477638 \AXL\Tax IND – FA acquisition amount incorrectly posted to FA with GST and ‘Tax loaded on inventory’
4479575 \AXL\Tax Project invoices changes to Item Sales Tax Group inconsistent behavior
4477594 \AXL\Tax India GST: In Tax setup form, defined Tariff codes are not available in lookup for non-admin user.
4482747 \AXL\Tax Sales Tax Transactions report does not display Customer Name when the Invoice Proposal Date and Journal Date does not match on Project Transactions
4464954 \AXL\Tax IN- Rate per item and total amounts are incorrect in Export Invoice Copy
4477655 \AXL\Tax IN – Vendor account is credited with incorrect amount when TDS on service item is linked
4471155 \AXL\Tax IN- Import Order Cannot Delete Multiple Invoice Lines
4473208 \AXL\Tax Amount origin of sales tax is incorrect in multiline customer payment journal with no offset account
4471279 \AXL\Tax [REQUEST PORTING] Vendor transaction with retained taxes and installments - It is not deducting the tax on the first installment in case the "Sales tax allocation" parameter on Payment schedule form when it is setup to allocate tax on the first installment
4470717 \AXL\Tax Error attempting to bill an asset purchase for use and consumption with Aliquot Differential. The Differential must be the cost of the asset.
4468926 \AXL\Tax\Tax documentation Sales tax general journal reconciliation -report: Invoice discount is not reported if the invoice is posted via Project module
4488290 \BI and Reporting\Setup Session id stored in usage data for redirected printers causes an error when printing sales invoices
4488445 \BI and Reporting\Setup The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message - after AOS crash reports don't run
4492178 \BI and Reporting\SRS Reporting\Report Server Extensions Generating a SSRS report to Excel file with xls extension the report is created incorrectly in ExcelOpenXML format
4489559 \Client\Search Enterprise Search not returning complete records in AX client
4490678 \Developer and Partner Tools\MorphX\Version Control System (VCS) Check-in state is not considered when multi selecting elements and modifying properties
4489581 \GFM\Accounting Framework Accruals previous period is not open
4488288 \GFM\Accounting Framework DimensionAttributeValue.deleteForDimensionAttributeValue should not delete records
4489302 \GFM\Accounts Payable When date and voucher are changed during vendor invoice posting process such invoices are not listed in payment history
4482498 \GFM\Accounts Payable 2018 1099 changes - 1099-DIV form changes
4471306 \GFM\Accounts Payable\Invoice Journals Cancellation voucher from credit note approval journal.
4477628 \GFM\Accounts Payable\Invoice Journals Vendor balance posting type repeated on COD invoice
4475145 \GFM\Accounts Payable\Invoicing In invoice approval journal when trying to select the invoice the number of vouchers field is being updated in place of list of selected vouchers.
4480628 \GFM\Accounts Payable\Invoicing Possible to post pending vendor invoice when approval journal is open and not posted on cancelling
4481840 \GFM\Accounts Payable\Invoicing Behavior of “Matching details” form is different and inconsistent if the Matching details form is opened from different paths
4477662 \GFM\Accounts Payable\Invoicing Vendor invoices. Last match workflow condition does not work
4488715 \GFM\Accounts Payable\Invoicing No cash discount should be calculated for the invoice which includes prepayment
4488364 \GFM\Accounts Payable\Invoicing On-hold Vendor account future date passed - Cannot create new Pending Invoice
4486454 \GFM\Accounts Payable\Invoicing Regression issue of KB # 4466424 - In voucher change cases, error “The transactions on voucher XX do not balance as per <date> (accounting currency: -XX,XX - reporting currency: -XX,XX)” when VAT/Tax is included in the new line in the invoice approval journal
4492351 \GFM\Accounts Payable\Invoicing Unable to see the Vendor invoice attachments in EP Vendor invoice list page
4473933 \GFM\Accounts Payable\Reports Transaction reversals for Multicurrency invoices that have been revalued lead to incorrect Vendor aging report
4477630 \GFM\Accounts Receivable Collections in Different Currency Change Value on Amount to Settle when the Record is Selected
4482519 \GFM\Accounts Receivable\Collections If pre-save filter is used in the Accounts receivable/Common/Customers/All customers> close transaction editing, then the system retrieves vouchers which doesn't belong to that customer.
4470920 \GFM\Accounts Receivable\Free Text Invoice Default values in customer master are not set into the first free text invoice line if the customer does not have address information
4482520 \GFM\Cash Management\Bank Bank module when running consistency check it is throwing warning with BANKDOCUMENTTABLEVIEW
4471584 \GFM\Cash Management\Vendor\Payments and Settlement Payment Proposal using Journal Batch number as query criteria is not working
4471587 \GFM\Expense Management Increasing the Expense amount over the reconciled amount of the linked Travel Requisition creates incorrect distributions
4471994 \GFM\Fixed Assets Fixed assets Transactions report displays inaccurate transaction info, does not equate to 'Net book value'
4471200 \GFM\Fixed Assets Missing voucher transactions after Fixed asset Reclassification (R3 CU12)
4477631 \GFM\General Ledger Accrual amounts are incorrectly posted when the sales tax code has a Tax-exempt percentage and only part of invoice net amount is accrued
4470175 \GFM\General Ledger\Reports “Approved by” field on Print Journal differs in case of executing from “General Journal” form and “Reports > Journal > Print Journal”
4475153 \GFM\General Ledger\Reports Main account statement shows ‘zero’ opening balance
4122371 \GFM\Payroll An incorrect bank account is used for direct deposit when an employee moves from one legal entity to another and has a new bank account in the new legal entity
4058305 \GFM\Payroll A vendor invoice uses wrong posting account
4477791 \GFM\Payroll Getting BP warning on class PayrollCalculatePayStatementTaxes, "PayrollTaxTypeInitialization::setMedicare method is obsolete"
4484974 \GFM\Payroll 2012 R3 Payroll Tax update 2019-R1 for the United States
4488019 \GFM\Payroll Error in unit of amount in currency USD. Must be rounded to 0.01 is generated when using an Oregon Transit Tax for an employee getting a check on the Payroll Payment Journal
4489190 \GFM\Payroll 2012 R3 Payroll Tax update 2019-R2b for the United States
4489750 \GFM\Source Document Framework Accounting distributions and committed costs are incorrect after making a PO change request to adjust the accounting date
4484844 \GFM\Source Document Framework Posting invoice approval after changing account structure causes error 'Changes have been made to combination xxx since the combination was last used.'
4490163 \Human Resources Update schema for ACA electronic submissions for tax year 2018
4478462 \Human Resources 2018 ACA forms (1095-B and 1095-C)  R2
4471131 \Human Resources\Core HCM User can edit Last name of the Past worker/Pending worker only once and the display name is different from the Name details of the worker.
4481278 \Public Sector\Budget Carry forward Budget Reservations with partially relieved lines throw error when attempting to post in new year
4486498 \Public Sector\GL Advanced Ledger Entry is still able to post with using the copy function where No Ledger is set
4479031 \SCM\Inventory Deliver now flag does not auto update the Site default financial dimensions on Sales order lines
4489377 \SCM\Inventory Costing Cancelling a purchase return for a moving average item creates discrepancy
4486443 \SCM\Inventory\Inventory Management\Inventory Control Posting a moving average revaluation does not respect the financial dimension value associated to inventory dimension Site via Dimension link
4471451 \SCM\Inventory\Quality Management Quality Order number sequence is not correctly incremented if user forgot to enter the mandatory fields.
4470527 \SCM\Planning Remove unnecessary lock on WrkCtrSchedulerLock when Non-Finite processing is used
4490721 \SCM\Planning Capacity issues when scheduling with infinite capacity because of expired resources moved across resource groups
4484882 \SCM\Planning\Lean Scheduling “No child nodes expected.” was thrown in case CtpForSalesEventKanbanExplosionTree
4484797 \SCM\Planning\Master Planning ReqTrans duplicate record created when planned purchase order is firmed with change management activated
4477634 \SCM\Planning\Master Planning Item coverage using incorrect value for Consume on-hand inventory parameter
4477601 \SCM\Planning\Master Planning Cannot create a record in Requirement transactions process filter (ReqProcessTransFilter). error occurs when running MRP in 'Net change' mode
4487795 \SCM\Planning\Master Planning Dynamic negative days not working as expected, causing extra planned orders.
4485247 \SCM\Planning\Planned Orders Return orders can cause incorrect planned orders when running NetChangeMinimized
4485247 \SCM\Planning\Planned Orders Return orders can cause incorrect planned orders when running NetChangeMinimized
4484565 \SCM\Planning\Planned Orders Cannot firm planned production order with error 'Cannot delete a record in Net requirements (ReqTrans).'
4480434 \SCM\Planning\Planned Orders Planned orders are not created for raw materials when running explosion on configured BOM
4489928 \SCM\Planning\Scheduling Production job scheduling fails with the error “Production order xxx could not be scheduled. Scheduling failed due to timeout” despite increased timeout 100 sec
4486257 \SCM\Procurement Wrong unit price inherited from trade agreements for items with variants
4477627 \SCM\Procurement\Intercompany Intercompany PO charges are multiplied when Sales order type Journal is changed to Sales order on original SO
4462662 \SCM\Procurement\Purchase Orders Error when posting the product receipt with charges: Function CostMarkupProvider.getAmount has been incorrectly called.
4472084 \SCM\Procurement\Purchase Orders The ledger posting of the invoice (credit note) for a returned purchase order is incorrect if an inventory is close or recalculated before invoice posting.
4470836 \SCM\Procurement\Purchase Orders Deleting a delivery line disconnects the agreement
4491561 \SCM\Procurement\Purchase Orders View totals on Purchase order returns error Changes to purchase order are only allowed in state Draft when a Totals discount trade agreement journal is posted
4492181 \SCM\Product\Product Configuration Model is in contradiction error when testing model with calculations
2935838 \SCM\Product\Product Configuration The loading of a large model takes too long
4486476 \SCM\Production and Shop Floor RAF to the same target LP from AX client
4487614 \SCM\Production and Shop Floor Regression from: 3790737: Scheduling production order with schedule and synchronize references is not calculating correct delivery dates
4490882 \SCM\Production and Shop Floor Cannot postproduction picking list journal with negative consumption with same Lot ID
4490452 \SCM\Production and Shop Floor\Batch Orders After batch balancing with WMS-enabled items the active and compensating ingredients have incorrect values in the picking list journal
4487298 \SCM\Production and Shop Floor\MES Cannot bundle jobs of error when switching from the indirect activities to the production area and back
4477602 \SCM\Production and Shop Floor\Production Journals Rounding issue for time during job card reversal
4471121 \SCM\Production and Shop Floor\Production Orders Deleting RAF journal produces “Maximum number of decimals for the stock keeping unit is 0” error, when decimal length entered in RAF journal manually or from a scan exceeds the decimal precision value of the item.
4477635 \SCM\Production and Shop Floor\Production Orders Production order created from project, after Report as finished and reports as finished with negative qty. creates additional transaction in Inventory transaction with "On order” status for that item
4485970 \SCM\Production and Shop Floor\Production Orders Per series default value of 1 when manually adding lines
4491291 \SCM\Production and Shop Floor\Production Orders Unable to do the operation scheduling for the second production/batch order on the same day
4488572 \SCM\Production and Shop Floor\Shop Floor Control\Time and Attendance Error message 'ILLEGAL REFERENCE' when calculating on approve form
4470716 \SCM\Production and Shop Floor\WMS Integration Issues after batch balancing with WMS-enabled items
4488515 \SCM\Resource and Activity\Engineering Change\Routes Incorrect production route is created after estimating of the production order if production BOM contains phantoms on two levels
4482435 \SCM\Sales Statement posting in batch terminates with Error executing code: "Insufficient memory to run script."
4470548 \SCM\Sales\Sales Agreements Deleting a delivery line disconnects the agreement
4486229 \SCM\Sales\Sales Orders On the sales return order being created through the Find sales order function, copying the order line that had previously associated return line in a cancelled state fails
4488721 \SCM\Sales\Sales Orders Confirm ship dates and confirm receipt dates are not calculated based on the order entry deadline when using sales lead time
4492162 \SCM\Sales\Sales Quotations Sales quotation does not use defined multiple, min and max order quantity with catch weight items
4472086 \SCM\Sourcing\Requisition Purchase Requisition Versions Print Out is wrong
4474707 \SCM\Sourcing\Vendor\Vendor Approval Cannot submit the ‘Vendor add application workflow’ when using a questionnaire.
4470661 \SCM\Warehouse and Transportation Can’t complete put work with product variant unit conversion when using the Full button: “Product variant unit conversions are not supported for this process”
4487498 \SCM\Warehouse and Transportation No Transfer Order history in Receive journal
4487815 \SCM\Warehouse and Transportation\Warehouse Management Double license plate generation when receive purchase order with display container type is enabled
4491069 \SCM\Warehouse and Transportation\Warehouse Management [Backport to R3 279060] Inventory status is not changed when quality association has an event type “Product Receipt”
4471009 \SCM\Warehouse and Transportation\Warehouse Management Released order status updated incorrectly when adding lines
4470678 \SCM\Warehouse and Transportation\Warehouse Management\Picking and Putaway Immediate Replenishment creates wrong sales pick lines
4485355 \SCM\Warehouse and Transportation\Warehouse Management\Picking and Putaway Mobile device - Too many decimals displayed for quantity
4481174 \SCM\Warehouse and Transportation\Warehouse Management\Picking and Putaway Immediate Replenishment creates wrong sales pick lines
4484422 \SCM\Warehouse and Transportation\Warehouse Management\Picking and Putaway Cycle count – Duplicate key exception
4477605 \SCM\Warehouse and Transportation\Warehouse Management\Picking and Putaway Shipment remove line function not working correctly
4478687 \SCM\Warehouse and Transportation\Warehouse Management\Picking and Putaway Can't report actual prod picking list
4483317 \SCM\Warehouse and Transportation\Warehouse Management\Picking and Putaway Reduce picked quantity – wrong work cancelled when put location equals Pack
4477639 \SCM\Warehouse and Transportation\Warehouse Management\Work and Worker Management Put away work allows incorrect quantity to be entered
4488431 \Server Gets an error "Invalid Field/Related field combination” when try to add criteria n:1 for Inventory dimensions or Units on “Purchase receiving log” report form
4490521 \Server\AOS Service Frequent Client crashes after Kernel 6.3.6000.6807
4491577 \Server\AOS Service AOS crash in Ax32Serv! build Path
4481096 \Server\AOS Service AOS crash when constructing the X++ call stack
4492385 \Server\Batch Batch task dependencies may not always be honored
4484690 \Server\Queries Insert record set randomly changes the order of columns leading to a SQL error during a foreign currency revaluation
4486850 \Server\Security\AOS Validation Unable to add the Vendor bank account if the organization hierarchy is tagged in the security role for country code CHE in bank address.
4482309 \Server\Session Management User session becomes unresponsive.
4477643 \SI Incorrect Funding Source displays for Project Details on the Earnings Statement
4474697 \SI\Project Accounting Project budget control error when trying to edit pending vendor invoice
4478070 \SI\Project Accounting [Unit Test] AXSIInMarketBugsTest starts failing from 6.3.6000.7092 which is due to change #3976980
4477661 \SI\Project Accounting Project Date is not updated from Transaction Date in Vendor Invoice Journal form
4490154 \SI\Project Accounting\Adjustments Error on post project adjustment of split credit item after KB4479270
4489046 \SI\Project Accounting\Adjustments The transactions on voucher do not balance When Adjust Line Property Project
4474696 \SI\Project Accounting\Budget and Forecast Budget check was incorrect on project purchase requisition before it is submitted for approval
4477788 \SI\Project Accounting\Budget and Forecast [UTC] class ProjForecastPostTest.test3839484 - is failed to match Project budget quantity due to 3975158
4477652 \SI\Project Accounting\Budget and Forecast PROJECT BUDGET REVISION ISSUE
4471195 \SI\Project Accounting\Committed Costs Committed costs are incorrect after deleting a pending invoice for a PO that contains more than one tax code.
4337599 \SI\Project Accounting\Estimates Estimated item transaction remains in WIP
4477656 \SI\Project Accounting\Journals Budget control for Purchase requisition in Projects is missing line discounts
4477646 \SI\Project Contracts and Billing If we change contract ID and customer of a project after creating a PO for a procurement category, it will not be invoiced to the right customer
4484032 \SI\Project Contracts and Billing\Invoicing Project invoice proposal performance issue when processing a high volume of transactions
4483058 \SI\Project Contracts and Billing\Invoicing Transactions in the Invoice Proposal workflow cannot be delegated in EP to another user although enabled in the workflow parameters
4483046 \SI\Project Contracts and Billing\Project Contracts Issue with funding limits when adjusting transactions with indirect cost components
4489560 \SI\Project Management Project quotation Sales Quotation Table estimate field is not storing any value
4488306 \SI\Project Management Hour Journal Validation errors on Project Date if the period is on hold
4486989 \SI\Project Management There is an unnecessary rounding in the posted project transactions when we make adjustment for an intercompany hour transaction
4486416 \SI\Project Management\Pricing WBS not retrieving sales price in transaction (Project Contract) currency
4477633 \SI\Project Management\Projects Effective labor rate calculation does not consider the inter-company hours registered on the worker.
4477640 \SI\Project Management\Projects Project category validation groups don’t copy correctly when using the "Copy project" wizard.
4479270 \SI\Project Management\SCM Integration Project adjustment is not posted when there are two inventory transaction with different location
4486434 \SI\Project Management\SCM Integration Sales order currency from Project item requirement (from WBS) is incorrect
4483050 \SI\Project Timesheet Voucher Number is Re-Used for Different Posted Timesheets
4477657 \Workflow Workflow editor throws System out of memory exception while editing Multi level Approval block PO workflow
4486535 \X++ Language\CLR Interop There is a multi-threading issue when calling CLRInterop::staticInvoke, resulting in errors such as "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.ManagedInterop.ClrBridgeException: System.Type is not a member of Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Utilities, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" - it is trying to find a type in the wrong assembly.