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Bank Checks do not display the correct numerals when using the Italian Language

Bank Checks do not display the correct numerals when using the Italian Language


If you print an Accounts Payable check using the Italian language the check numerals may print incorrectly.


To resolve this issue you can modify the Global class adding an Italian specific method to return the correct check printing.

1. In the AOT >> expand classes >> locate the Global Class.

2. Right Click the Global Class >> Choose New Method

3. Add the below code example which translates the Italian language

static TempStr numeralsToTxt_IT(real _num)


    int numOfPennies = (decround(frac(_num), 2) * 100) mod 100;

    real test = _num - frac(_num);

    int numOfTenths;

    str 20 ones[19], tenths[9], hundreds, thousands, millions, billions, trillions;

    int64 temp;

    str 200 returntxt;

    real modOperator(real a1, real a2)


    int tmpi;

    real tmp1, tmp2;

    tmp1 = a1 / a2;

    tmpi = real2int(tmp1);

    tmp2 = tmpi;

    return (tmp1 - tmp2)*a2;


    real checkPower(real _test, int64 _power)


        int64 numOfPower,numOfPowerOrig;

        if (_test >= _power)


            numOfPower = _test div _power;

            numOfPowerOrig = numOfPower;

         if (numOfPower == 1 && _power > 1000)


                returntxt = returntxt + ' ' + substr("@SYS5437",0,2);


            if (numOfPower >= 100)


                temp = numOfPower div 100;

                if(temp == 1 && _power >= 1000)


                    returntxt = returntxt + ' ' + hundreds;




                    returntxt = returntxt + ' ' + ones[temp] + ' ' + hundreds;


                numOfPower = numOfPower mod 100;


            if (numOfPower >= 20)


                temp = numOfPower div 10;

                returntxt = returntxt + ' ' + tenths[temp];

                numOfPower = numOfPower mod 10;


            if (numOfPower > 1)


                returntxt = returntxt + ' ' + ones[numOfPower];

                numOfPower = numOfPower mod 10;




                case 1000000000 :


                     returntxt = numOfPowerOrig == 1 ? returntxt + ' ' + billions : returntxt + ' ' + "miliardi";

                    _test = modOperator(_test, 1000000000);



      case 1000000 :


                    returntxt = numOfPowerOrig == 1 ? returntxt + ' ' + millions : returntxt + ' ' + "milioni" ;

                    _test = modOperator(_test, 1000000);



                case 1000 :


                    returntxt = numOfPowerOrig == 1 ? "mile" : returntxt + ' ' + thousands ;

                    _test = modOperator(_test, 1000);



                case 100 :


                    returntxt = returntxt + ' ' + hundreds;

                    _test = modOperator(_test, 100);





        return _test;


    ones[1] = "@SYS26620";

    ones[2] = "@SYS26621";

    ones[3] = "@SYS26622";

    ones[4] = "@SYS26626";

    ones[5] = "@SYS26627";

    ones[6] = "@SYS26628";

    ones[7] = "@SYS26629";

    ones[8] = "@SYS26630";

    ones[9] = "@SYS26631";

    ones[10] = "@SYS26632";

    ones[11] = "@SYS26633";

    ones[12] = "@SYS26634";

    ones[13] = "@SYS26635";

    ones[14] = "@SYS26636";

    ones[15] = "@SYS26637";

    ones[16] = "@SYS26638";

    ones[17] = "@SYS26639";

    ones[18] = "@SYS26640";

    ones[19] = "@SYS26641";

    tenths[1] = 'Not used';

    tenths[2] = "@SYS26643";

    tenths[3] = "@SYS26644";

    tenths[4] = "@SYS26645";

    tenths[5] = "@SYS26646";

    tenths[6] = "@SYS26647";

    tenths[7] = "@SYS26648";

    tenths[8] = "@SYS26649";

    tenths[9] = "@SYS26650";

    hundreds = "@SYS26651";

    thousands = "@SYS26652";

    millions = "@SYS26653";

    billions = "@SYS26654";

    trillions = "@SYS101697";

    test = checkPower(test, 1000000000);

    test = checkPower(test, 1000000);

    test = checkPower(test, 1000);

    test = checkPower(test, 100);

    if (test >= 20)


        numOfTenths = test div 10;

        returntxt = returntxt + ' ' + tenths[numofTenths];

        numOfTenths = numOfTenths mod 10;

        test = test mod 10;


    if (test >= 1)


        numOfTenths = real2int(test);

        returntxt = returntxt + ' ' + ones[numOfTenths];


    if (numOfPennies)


        returntxt = '***' + returntxt + ' ' + "@SYS5534" + ' ' + num2str(numOfPennies,0,0,0,0) + '/100';




        returntxt = '***' + returntxt + ' ' + "@SYS5534" + ' ' + '00/100';


    return returntxt;


4. Add the below code in bold to the Classes\Global\numeralsToTxt

                case 100 :


                    returntxt = returntxt + ' ' + hundreds;

                    _test = modOperator(_test, 100);





        return _test;


    if(substr(xUserInfo::find().Language, 1, 2) !='it')


        returntxt = Global::numeralsToTxt_IT(test);

        return returntxt;


5. Save and Compile the code.


  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2010
    Hi, in the last 4 lines of code i think that the if test code it should be : if(substr(xUserInfo::find().Language, 1, 2) =='it')    {        returntxt = Global::numeralsToTxt_IT(test);        return returntxt;    } instead of : if(substr(xUserInfo::find().Language, 1, 2) !='it')    {        returntxt = Global::numeralsToTxt_IT(test);        return returntxt;    }