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Dynamics AX (Antes AX-7) - Glosario de términos

Hola que tal, como muchos de ustedes saben la liberación de la nueva versión de AX (Ahora llamado Dynamics AX, antes Ax7) existen conceptos nuevos a los cuales nos deberemos acostumbrar, para ello, Microsoft ha publicado un glosario que contiene un compendio de conceptos y terminología que les recomiendo ampliamente consultar para familizarizarse con Dynamics AX.

Hoy quiero mostrarles dos conceptos clave: la diferencia entre un Workspace y el Dashboard:


The typical start page in Microsoft Dynamics AX. On the dashboard, users see a section for each workspace that they have access to. Each section displays the tiles from the summary sections in the related workspace. The dashboard consists of a name and sections with tiles



A page that provides an overview of one of the activities that the user performs. The page uses tiles, lists, and charts to display pending work and related data from multiple sources, and the page surfaces frequent tasks related to this data. Tiles shown in the summary section of the workspace are also displayed in the related section in the dashboard.


Espero les sea se utilidad