Dela via

Migrating Wiki Pages Remotely – Part 04

Note, this series starts at

We just looked at using copy.asmx to get WikiField. Now let’s look at getting the field by using just lists.asmx. You may notice that the segment of code I took this from is using the destination web service instead of the source. This one is interesting because if WikiField is empty, you can see how I parsed the ows_MetaInfo propertybag.

if (txt_SelectedWiki2.Text.Length > 0)


    Server2WS.Lists s2L = new WikiMigrator.Server2WS.Lists();

    s2L.Url = txt_SiteName2.Text.Trim().TrimEnd("/".ToCharArray()) + "/_vti_bin/lists.asmx";

    s2L.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;



        // I know a lot of folks want to define their own view

        // instead of using the stock ones. I threw this in as

        // an example.

        XmlDocument xmlDocLI = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();

        XmlNode ndQueryLI = xmlDocLI.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element,"Query","");

        XmlNode ndViewFieldsLI = xmlDocLI.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element,"ViewFields","");

        XmlNode ndQueryOptionsLI = xmlDocLI.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element,"QueryOptions","");

        // I’m not actually using ndQueryOptionsLI, it is

        // here as an example

        ndQueryOptionsLI.InnerXml = "<IncludeMandatoryColumns>FALSE</IncludeMandatoryColumns>" +


        ndViewFieldsLI.InnerXml = "<FieldRef Name='FileRef' />" +

            "<FieldRef Name='WikiField' />" +

            "<FieldRef Name='LinkFilename' />";

        // I’m not actually using ndQueryLI, it is here as an example

        ndQueryLI.InnerXml = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='FileRef' />" +

            "<Value Type='Text'>[server-relative URL of wiki page]</Value></Eq></Where>";


        // Need to provide a large number or we will restrict at the default 100 items if null

        XmlNode ndListItems = s2L.GetListItems(txt_SelectedWiki2.Text, null, null, ndViewFieldsLI, txtNumberRows.Text, null, null);

        XmlNode ndListItemDetail = ndListItems.ChildNodes[1];

        foreach (XmlNode item in ndListItemDetail.ChildNodes)




                if (item.Attributes != null)


                    string itemName = item.Attributes["ows_LinkFilename"].Value;

                    Trace.WriteLine("Fixing: " + itemName);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemName))


                        string wikiData = item.Attributes["ows_WikiField"].Value;

                        string actualWikiData = string.Empty;

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wikiData))


                            Trace.WriteLine("...using ows_MetaInfo instead of ows_WikiField");

                            string itemData = item.Attributes["ows_MetaInfo"].Value;

                            Regex metaProp = new Regex(@"( \w*:\w{2}\|)");

                            string[] regexData = metaProp.Split(itemData);

/* I am going to use prepnextMatch to say that the next iteration in the loop has the WikiField data if it exists. It was a rare condition where WikiField wouldn’t return it and this method would, and I believe it was caused by the Alpha upgrades that nobody else should have gone through on some of our internal servers. None-the-less, it may be interesting to see this alternate method. */

                            bool prepnextMatch = false;

                            foreach (string data in regexData)




                                    if (data != string.Empty)


                                        if (!prepnextMatch)


                                            if (data == " WikiField:SW|")


                                                prepnextMatch = true;



                            else if (prepnextMatch && actualWikiData == string.Empty)


                                            actualWikiData = data;





                                            throw new System.Exception("E_FAIL");




                                catch {}





                            actualWikiData = wikiData;


Part 05:
