Dela via

Please submit your feedback on Faculty and students especially!

I'm just been at the Microsoft Research Software Summit where we (Tomas Pertricek and I) gave a tutorial and a lecture on F#. The Microsoft Research Connections Try F# team were also there, and did a fabulous job running demos of, and they gave a session doing an in-depth dive as well. It was really pleasing to meet some of the faculty who are thinking of using the site to help introduce functional programming to students, and to get their feedback.

A quick request: if you have looked at the Try F# site please complete the survery for Please!! (The link to the survery is not very obvious in the design of the site itself, but you can find it on the About page ) We really need lots of people answering this survery. We interested in everyone's feedback, but we're especially keen on hearing from faculty and students.

