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Functional Programming eXchange 2011, London, March 18, 2011

In a previous blog post I mentioned Simon Cousins and his explanation of why F# programming was effective for his recent enterprise work.

Robert Pickering mentions that Simon wil be one of the speakers at the Functional Programming eXchange 2011 on March 18, 2011, speaking on F# in the Enterprise. Other speakers include Simon Peyton Jones, Sadek Drobi, Miles Sabin, Matt Davey, Jasper Van der Jeugt, Adam Granicz, Antonio Cisternino and Tomas Petricek

The workshop covers a range of F#, Scala and Haskell and is being run by SkillsMatter. (As an aside, it's absolutely great to see a workshop focusing on exploring functional programming concepts across multiple languages!! The techniques are often transferrable and Haskell, Scala, F# and others have a shared history of cooperation, e.g. see here, something I'm sure will continue).

Here's Simon's abstract:

F# in the EnterpriseNot sure where or how to use F# in your applications? E.ON Energy Trading uses F# to develop algorithmically complex, business critical, low-latency components within enterprise applications. Key to the success of these components is the adoption of the functional programming style that F# encourages. This leads to an exploratory approach to programming resulting in clear, correct and concise code. F# support for asynchronous workflows, units of measure and reactive programming further define the space in which F# can assert itself within the enterprise.