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F# Training in London in January and February: Functional Programming in .NET and Real World F# Programming

Is it time to learn something new?

Training is key to growing F# adoption and understanding in your enterprise, as well as increasing the skillbase of your C# and other programmers mroe generally.

Here are some links to F# training courses in London in January and February, from the wonderful Tomas Petricek and Phil Trelford

  • Functional Programming in .NET (in London on 30 January and 16 April)
        The course is designed for developers with some C# background who want to become better programmers and learn F# on the side.    For booking, visit SkillsMatter web site    or contact them directly.


  • Real-World F# Programming (in London on 8 February and 11 June)
        The course is designed for people with some existing F# experience. It focuses on the most applications of     F#, including data processing, asynchronous and concurrent programming.    For booking, visit SkillsMatter web site    or contact them directly.
