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How to capture network traffic on Windows Embedded CE 6.0

As we know, when we investigate network related issues, we can capture the network monitor log on PC side. Just as Emma said here. But on CE side, we also have a tool to capture the network traffic. People can use this tool to capture the network traffic on CE side and copy the log file to PC, then use the Microsoft Network Monitor to view the log.

OK. Let me show something about how to ………



1. Make sure the netlogctl.exe and netlog.dll are in your image.

Before you build the whole solution, please make the “NDIS Packet Capturing DLL” item selected in your OS design.

Opps…People may forget to add this item to OS design and they don’t want to rebuild the whole solution since it is much time consuming…Never mind buddies. We have one method to generate the needed modules to our FRD.


a. Open a command line window by clicking Build –> Open Release Directory in Build Window.

b. Type “SET WINCEREL=1”, then click enter.

c. Type “sysgen –p common netlog”, then click enter to generate the netlog.dll module.

d. Type “sysgen –p common netlogctl”, then click enter to generate the netlogctl.exe module.

e. Finally, you can find the two modules under your solution’s FRD.



2.  Type commands in target control window.

This tool is a command line tool. Hence, I use it in the target control window (This situation is under KITL enabled scenario).

Type command as below to start the capturing:

s netlogctl load

s netlogctl start 


Type command as below to stop the capturing:

s netlogctl stop

s netlogctl unload

Then the log files can be found under the root directory.

For more information about the command line, please refer to the MSDN Netlogctl.