Dela via

VSTS Test runs reporting inconsistent count of tests run with each build


While executing unit tests as a part of CI, we see issues with the count in build results page. In our scenario we had C# tests as well as Gulp tests and after the build completes successfully we found that test results in build summary page do not give the exact count of the tests executed which is 184[111 C# tests and 73 gulp tests] but the values are 2 x C# tests + JS unit tests



The vstest task automatically publishes the results. The additional publish task just publishes the duplicate results from the vstest task. Each task in build is independent and so ultimately the build results takes the aggregation results from each step.


Removing the publish test results task should not cause this issue.

Written by: Deepak Kumar Mishra, Support Engineer

Reviewed by: Deepak Mittal, Escalation Engineer