Dela via

Bad Request 400 error while changing group memberships


Premal brings us this amazing write up while working with one of his customers, read on!!

One of my recent cases, I came across a situation where everything was working fine but while trying to Change Group Memberships from TFS admin console was throwing error.





Sometimes we tend to make changes for temporary purpose and forget to revert back.  This is what happened in my case. It was easy to identify that this issue was being thrown by IIS because of the “type” of error message. Luckily we were quick to locate discrepancy in TFS site bindings because of which tis error was being thrown.


In my case this was the problem:





(To reach to this setting, select Team Foundation server Site in IIS-> Right Click-> Edit Bindings->Edit)


As soon as I changed this to the default setting which is empty, I got rid of this error message. You can try this on your server without any side-effects J


Also you can explore different kinds of errors that are thrown because of making changes in IIS. Just make sure you are noting down the changes you are making.


Exploring! J

Written by: Premal, Support Engineer

Reviewed by: Nitish Nagpal, Support Escalation Engineer