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Improving Software Development Across the Lifecycle with Visual Studio 2010 : Part 1

In the book Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy states, “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unique in its own way. ” The same can be said for software development teams. Happy, well-functioning software development teams are all the same—explicit integration of functions, measurement of flow improvements, continuous reduction of waste, common ownership of problems and action on improvements, all traceable to customer and business value. Of course we all aspire to work on, or lead software development teams that can be described this way. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 can help you and your team can make immediate improvements in how you integrate across functions, reduce waste, identify and communicate problems, plan and take action to mitigate issues to ensure you are solving the business problem and achieving customer expectations.

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In the next three installments of this series I will show you how Visual Studio 2010 helps you:

  • Understand what you have—using tools like DGML, Architecture Explorer and reverse engineered UML to visualize existing code to help you understand the system and the effect of making changes.
  • Eliminate bugs—using tools to ensure bugs are captured accurately enough that you can take immediate action to begin fixing them, and how IntelliTrace™ helps you find the root cause of the bug faster.
  • Streamline the Process—using tools to more accurately plan projects—including the new Agile Planning Workbooks—as well as run projects with visibility into their status and health, and gain visibility into key performance indicators with Microsoft Office SharePoint based dashboards.
