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Free jQuery Events in Silicon Valley


Two free jQuery events will take place next week. I know a lot of you are interested of jQuery technology so come join us. Free food and a lot of give aways. 

November Talk – jQuery Makes Writing JavaScript Fun Again

I will be presenting a jQuery session for the Bay .NET User Group next week on Nov 10, 2010 (Wednesday).  The following is the detail and feel free to join us:

November meeting – jQuery Makes Writing JavaScript Fun Again

When:  Wednesday, 11/10/2010 at 6:45 PM

Where:  University of Phoenix Learning Center in Livermore, 2481 Constitution Drive, Room 105

Speaker: Dr. Doris Chen

Event Description

Get frustrated by cross-browser incompatibility? Hate to develop application using JavaScript? jQuery is a powerful JavaScript library that can enhance your websites regardless of your background. jQuery is fast, lean, simple and hugely expandable, enabling you to build compelling web applications quickly and easily. In this session, we will start with a quick introduction of jQuery, illustrate what’s so good about jQuery, and demonstrate step by step how to develop jQuery Ajax application efficiently with database, web services, OData, NetFlix and ASP.NET MVC. Microsoft is now shipping, supporting, and contributing to jQuery, with ASP.NET and Visual Studio. New features which will be available in the next release of jQuery such as globalization, templating and data-linking will be introduced in the session as well.


6:00 - 6:30 .NET FUNdamentals
6:30 - 6:45 check-in and registration
6:45 - 7:00 tech talk; announcements and open discussion
7:00 - 9:00 main presentation and give aways: jQuery Makes Writing JavaScript Fun Again

jQuery Night – Learn about jQuery: The way JavaScript should be

A number of local tech communities (Java, PHP, .Net, Ruby/Rails, JavaScript) are joining forces to learn about jQuery: The way JavaScript should be.

When:  Tuesday, 11/9/2010 at 5:30 PM

Where:  Microsoft - San Francisco - 835 Market Street, 7th floor / Golden Gate room

Event Description

We are going to have four amazing speakers Yehuda Katz, Jonathan Sharp, Damian Edwards and Bruno Terkaly, take us from a basic overview of jQuery, to how to get started, how to best use it, to what to expect from this most-popular JavaScript framework of today.

Don’t care about JavaScript? Don’t think this is for you? Think again, because with HTML5 the importance of client-side programming is going to explode and this is your chance to keep your skills relevant with the demands of tomorrow!