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Coding with Confidence : JavaScript and jQuery Training - Available to Download

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Event Overview

     I would like to share with you an exciting JavaScript for Women event hosted by Development Chix happened on Sat. (4/7/2012) at Microsoft San Francisco Office.  We have over 120 attendees (95% women) and 20 volunteers participated in this whole day JavaScript training. Just like the event description says

     “This event is organized for women by women, trans inclusive, but all genders are welcome. If you don't identify as female, and want to join in, please bring along someone who does. Our goal is to get more women to be confident in their programming skills.”


A few unique things about this event is:

  • The training is really target for women at any levels, no pre-requisite required.
  • There are over 20 Volunteers there to help attendees with the lab exercises and answer the questions the whole day. Volunteers are people who knows JavaScript and can help those struggling to follow.
  • The event is sold out within 2 days and even the volunteer list is completely full.  The amazing power of women in technology!
  • Many thanks to Estelle Weyl and food sponsors, we had amazingly good breakfast, lunch and food through the whole day.  We had pasta (not pizza) for lunch. Smile

     Estelle Weyl and I are the trainers for this event.  I am going to provide some highlights and training content based on the agenda.  Anybody would love to learn JavaScript and jQuery can access the content below easily.  Also, if any of you would like to run a similar event to help more women developers to code in confidence, you can use this agenda as a reference.


Estelle Weyl
Estelle is a freelance developer, author, speaker and trainer with over 10 years of experience programming JavaScript, CSS and HTML.

Dr. Doris Chen
Doris is a Developer Evangelist at Microsoft with over 15 years of experience in the software industry of web technologies specializing in jQuery, HTML5, Java and other web tier technology.

Agenda (Presentation, Demo, Labs Available to Download)

Intro to JavaScript: from variables to manipulating the DOM (Estelle Weyl )
9:00 am - 3:00 pm

    • JavaScript variables, conditionals, functions and language basics
    • Objects, methods and properties

     Local JavaScript and CSS guru Estelle Weyl (more detail about her at the Trainers session) taught the introduction to JavaScript.  Her presentation and labs link is above.  One can access the slide, and try the exercises at the same location which is a cool project on github.  See the following 2 sample slides for more detail.  They are very simple and clear, and easy to follow.


Slide is presented on one side (left)  and other other (right) is to run the exercises.


Running interactive exercises with the instruction on the slide (right).

     I have the honor to present the jQuery technology in the afternoon.  We are a little behind the schedule as they are way to much information to cover for a day. My sessions are more focused on lecture and demo style.  You can download all the presentation and demo code below.

Using jQuery (Doris Chen)
3:00 - 5:00 pm

  • jQuery Fundamentals

  Presentation        Demo labs

  • New jQuery Plugins You can Use

  Presentation        Demo

  • Favorite Movie Demo Walk Through

  Presentation        Demo

          Demo 1: Movie Search an Play Demo ( more detail )


Demo 2: Favorite Movies Site



Future Event

The event is extremely well received and based on the request from the women communities, we are going to have another Coding with Confidence event in June, 2012.  Feel free to join us.  Check the blog from Estelle Weyl and I for more detail later.


  • Anonymous
    May 14, 2012
    thanks for the tips and empowerment!

  • Anonymous
    June 25, 2012
    wow this is very useful, thanks! so sorry i missed it... will u be organizing some similar events any time soon?