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1 Day Free Workshop For College Students: Get $100 for Every Wins 8 App



Quick! Who is interested in earning a quick $100 PLUS free pizza, tutorials, games, Give away and prizes! You can earn a $100 for each Windows app you publish. (and up to $1500!!)

Sign up our Windows 8 App Madness Workshop either at south bay or east bay (Space is limited)


Technical Evangelists from Microsoft will be here all day to teach Game Frameworks. No prior coding experience is necessary. If you want to get started with Construct2 now, here are simple tutorials:

Don't have Windows 8? Don't worry- we will provide all the tools and information for you to create your app! You can set up your computer with Windows 8 and Visual Studio before the event by following the instruction below.

Come Prepared: To save the installation time time on your machine, make sure you check out these resources and complete all the installation before the workshop:

App Framework

  • Scirra Construct 2

Installing Windows 8 and Visual Studio before coming in:

To develop a Windows 8 app, you need to get Windows 8 and install it.

If you want to try Windows 8 out for a while, you can always download a 90-day evaluation copy.
You can buy Windows 8 online or in any computer store.

If you have a PC, you can install Windows 8 natively (recommended), you can boot to a VHD drive, or you can install it in a virtual machine. Install it natively if you can or boot to a VHD drive as a second choice. If you run it in a virtual machine, you might not get the same performance.

If you have a Mac, you can install Windows 8 using BootCamp or virtually using Parallels. There are other virtualization options, but these two are recommended.

After you have installed Windows 8, you need to download and install thedevelopment tool Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows 8 .

More information and links below:

Learn about the exciting prizes: You can qualify to win a $100 gift card for each app you publish. Publish the most apps in a round to win the trip of a lifetime! Check out prize details at

Get Started: Download all the software and resources you need-

Build Your App: We’ll point you to instructive videos, hands – on labs, sample code and more-
Get your technical questions answered and talk to other student developers

Publish Your App: Your app will be available to millions at the Windows Store. Submit details of your published App to qualify for the $100 gift card prize -

Check out the official terms and conditions:

Sign up Now!!!