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This Week on The Id Element: Hervey Wilson on the Geneva Framework

This week on “The Id Element” show Vittorio sat down with Hervey Wilson to discuss the Geneva Framework. To whet your appetite, here’s the show’s blurb:

If you have been working with web services for some time on the Microsoft platform, you are certainly familiar with the name “Hervey Wilson”. Hervey is one of the key people behind the Web Services Enhancement (WSE) library, the first product that brought WS-* to .NET developers. In May 2005 he moved to the Federated Identity team, where he touched pretty much everything you can think of: today he covers the role of Architect in the Geneva team. Last week Vittorio went to visit Hervey in his office, and recorded him as he gives a detailed account on past, present and future of the Geneva Framework. Understanding how technology and industry practices evolved eventually leading to the creation of the Geneva Framework not only is interesting per se, but also provides insights on the kind of problems it can help you solve and precious indications on the intended usage of the product. Finally, Hervey gives some hint about the possible future areas that Geneva will explore in its next phases.

Hervey blogs at , but never appeared on video until now: do not miss this chance to enjoy a perspective on the product that can only be given by somebody from his vantage point!

Enjoy the show!
