Dela via

Web 2.0 Expo - Google Announces Online Presentation App

Our SMBx Application Marketplace panel discussion went well today - despite the fact that it started at 8:30am and everyone was out late at the parties last night.   We had probably 150+ people in the session and tons of great questions from the audience, and many people who stayed after to talk.  Thanks to everyone who attended!

The big announcement today - I'm sitting in the Eric Schmidt keynote at Web 2.0 where John Battelle is interviewing Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google.  He just announced that Google is offering an online presentation tool to round out their Google docs and spreadsheets offerings. 

John asks him - "is this a competitor to Microsoft?"

Eric replies - "no, it does not have all the features that Office has, and it targets different scenarios.  We're really focusing on how people use the web." 

John says - "Come on.  This is a competitor to Microsoft Office!  This provides people with a free alternative to some of the capabilities."

Eric says - "I'm sure Microsoft will respond, they have a set of web based products they can talk about.  Web 2.0 is about an architectural transition, and this is a testament of what is possible."

(I'm paraphrasing these quotes here)

Now they are talking about the DoubleClick acquisition...

I'll have more to say about this later today...
