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Consumer Electronics Supply Chain Academy Panel to Explain Web 2.0 Best Practices for Global Supply Chain Management

As the pace of global economic upturn increases, so too will the challenges to the smooth operations of the global supply chain resume.


Remember that in 2007, we were beginning to see severe strains in material availability and manufacturing capacity across the High Tech & Electronics value chain.


Now that recovery is imminent, how can companies employ Web 2.0 technologies to create a more efficient supply chain?

Later this week, I will take part in a panel discussion on “Supply Chain Best Practices in Consumer Electronics and Other Industries” with industry leaders from Capgemini, Monster Cable Products, GXS, Sony Electronics, and Teradata. The panel occurs at 2:15 p.m. on Friday, January 8. Our panel will discuss the benefits of clear information flows amongst B2B partners using new Web 2.0 tools. They’ll also discuss ways to share information with more timely and accurate data exchange, data synchronization and master data management, in order to minimize supply chain inefficiencies and make better informed retail inventory management decisions. Program and registration information is available here.


I hope to see you there! – Sanjay Ravi