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Update Rollup 3 for System Center 2016 Operations Manager #4016126

Update Rollup 3 for Operations Manager 2016 has been released. You can access information about this update from Microsoft Support Page. Also you can download updates from Update Catalog.
Update Rollup 3 for Microsoft System Center 2016 - Operations Manager WebConsole (KB4016126) (ENU) Update Rollup 3 for Microsoft System Center 2016 - Operations Manager Server (KB4016126) Update Rollup 3 for Microsoft System Center 2016 - Operations Manager Gateway (KB4016126) Update Rollup 3 for Microsoft System Center 2016 - Operations Manager Console (KB4016126) (ENU-AMD64) Update Rollup 3 for Microsoft System Center 2016 - Operations Manager Agent (KB4016126) (AMD64)
Issues that are fixed in Operations Manager:

  • When you run the Agents module version 1.6.2-337, you may receive the following alert:
    Module was unable to convert parameter to a double value
  • When you run System Center 2016 Operations Manager in an all-French locale (FRA) environment, the Date column in the Custom Event report appears blank
  • The Enable deep monitoring using HTTP task in the System Center Operations Manager console doesn't enable WebSphere deep monitoring on Linux systems.
  • When overriding multiple properties on rules that are created by the Azure Management Pack, duplicate override names are created. This causes overrides to be lost.
  • When the heartbeat failure monitor is triggered, a "Computer Not Reachable" message is displayed even when the computer is not down
  • The Get-SCOMOverrideResult PowerShell cmdlet doesn't return the correct list of effective overrides
  • When creating a management pack (MP) on a client that contains a Service Level (SLA) dashboard and Service Level Objects (SLO), the localized names of objects aren't displayed properly if the client's CurrentCulture settings don't match the CurrentUICulture settings. In cases where the localized settings are English English, ENG, or Australian English, ENA, there's an issue when the objects are renamed.
  • The Event ID: 26373 error, which may cause high memory consumption and affect server performance, has been changed from a “Critical” message to an “Informational” message.
  • The Application Performance Monitoring (APM) feature in System Center 2016 Operations Manager Agent causes a crash for the IIS Application Pool that's running under the .NET Framework 2.0 runtime. Microsoft Monitoring Agent should be updated on all servers that use the .NET Framework 2.0 application pools for APM binaries update to take effect. Restart of the server might be required if APM libraries were being used at the time of the update.
  • The UseMIAPI registry subkey prevents collection of processor performance data for RedHat Linux system. Also, custom performance collection rules are also impacted by the UseMIAPI setting
  • Organizational Unit (OU) properties for Active Directory systems are not being discovered or populated
  • The Microsoft.SystemCenter.Agent.RestartHealthService.HealthServicePerfCounterThreshold recovery task fails to restart the agent, and you receive the following error message:
    LaunchRestartHealthService.ps1 cannot be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system
  • The DiscoverAgentPatches.ps1 script in Microsoft.SystemCenter.Internal.xml fails and you experience an exception
  • An execution policy has been added as unrestricted to PowerShell scripts in Inbox management packs
  • SQL Agent jobs for maintenance schedule use the default database. If the database name is not the default, the job fails
  • This update adds support for OpenSSL1.0.x on AIX computers. With this change, System Center Operations Manager uses OpenSSL 1.0.x as the default minimum version supported on AIX, and OpenSSL 0.9.x is no longer supported