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Web Camps Winter 2015 East Coast Tour Announced

Note from the blog author: Web Camps are ramping up again and they've asked me to help get the word out. So the stock blurb is below. Peruse at your leisure and sign up for the nearest camp.

The new release of ASP.NET and Web Tools for Visual Studio 2013 puts the power to build cutting-edge websites right at your fingertips. Even better? Once you build a beautiful, interactive site, you can easily deploy and scale it with Microsoft Azure!

Join us for a free WebCamp and learn how to elevate your coding – in just one day. WebCamps are live, no-fluff events created for developers, by developers. You’ll learn from lively, informative experts who start with the basics and ramp up to advanced topics as the day goes on. Here are some of the topics we’ll cover in these hands-on sessions:

  • Introduction to ASP.NET and Visual Studio 2013 Web Tooling
  • Building web applications with the latest ASP.NET technologies
  • Building web front ends for both desktop and mobile using the latest web standards
  • API Services for both web and devices
  • Running, improving and maintaining a site in the real world
  • Real-time communications with SignalR

A list of the East Region USA web camps are below. Note there are dates for TAMPA and MIAMI only in Florida.  For a list of Web Camps in Central and West please see  .

City Date Registration Code(click to register)
Pittsburg Feb 10 1032612519
Cambridge Feb 12 1032612520
Atlanta (Alpharetta) Feb 17 1032612523
MIAMI March 03 1032612528
Philadelphia (Malvern) March 19 1032612620
TAMPA March 31 1032612624
Charlotte April 02 1032612625
Atlanta (Alpharetta) April 07 1032612626
Reston April 10 1032612628
Cambridge April 14 1032612629