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Cloud Camps Winter 2015 - Miami and Tampa Dates Announced

Note from the blog author: Cloud Camps are ramping up again and they've asked me to help get the word out. So the stock blurb is below. Peruse at your leisure and sign up for the nearest camp.

Roll up your sleeves and get ready to learn the latest Microsoft Azure dev tools and technologies. Join Microsoft experts at your local Microsoft Cloud DevCamp and leave with code running in the cloud!

From your first cup of coffee until we call it a day, you'll learn how to use new Microsoft Azure features and services to build and move a variety of applications to the cloud – including websites, mobile apps, and enterprise-class applications.

Whether you use Linux, Java, Node.js, Python, Ruby or just about anything else, we speak your language. With Microsoft Azure, you can use practically any language, framework or tool to build or move existing applications to the cloud.

  • Topic: Microsoft Azure development tools and technologies
    • Microsoft Azure Websites and Virtual Machines Using ASP.NET & Microsoft SQL Server
    • Deploying Cloud Services in Microsoft Azure
    • Exploring Microsoft Azure Storage for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
  • Timing: January 19 – April 29

A list of the East Region USA camps are below. For a list of Cloud Camps in Central and West please see  .

City Date Registration Code(click to register)
Atlanta (Alpharetta) Feb 19 1032612780
MIAMI Feb 24 1032612916
Cambridge Feb 24 1032612919
Charlotte Feb 26 1032612778
New York March 09 1032612912
Chevy Chase March 11 1032613013
Iselin March 11 1032613011
Tampa March 13 1032613011
Raleigh/Durham March 17 1032613025
Hartford March 26 1032613006
Pittsburgh March 31 1032613007
Philadelphia (Malvern) April 07 1032613002
Cambridge April 23 1032613018